Why are Trumptards so easily lied to?
Very simple answer my friend.
Trumptards live in a false reality they created for Malevolent Political self-centered and self-important purposes called "MERICA" and every other NEVER-TRUMP benevolent American lives in reality that we refer to as "AMERICA"!
The Trumptards are ill-willed, ill-disposed, vindictive, spiteful, hateful, intolerant of others who do not agree with them, and so they are on a mission to take over their "MERICA" by force, as they have no respect for the rule of law, or the democratic process of voting, where a majority wins, and leads "AMERICA" from the White House and Legislative branch working together for the benefit of the majority of the hardest working AMERICANS and TAX PAYERS!
It is not even a matter of being lied to, as Trump and his Trumptards are the ones creating the lies and deceptions to begin with. THEY KNOW THE TRUTH! THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE TRUTH! THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR WHAT IS TRUE. THE TRUTH DOES NOT WORK FOR THEM POLITICALLY.
So they intentionally lie to create chaos, confusion, and asinine tangents, and wild-goose chasing, for the purpose of ginning up even more hatred and fears amongst themselves, and attack their political adversaries, while blaming every problem in their "MERICA" and the rest of the world, on Biden, Kamala, and the Democrats, NEVER-TRUMPERS, Republicans now voting for Kamala, and the Independents now voting for Kamala.