Well-known member

I have some questions for my colleagues who are card-carrying members of Team Israel:
Many of you are demanding that Gaza be turned into one big crater and the Palestinians eradicated, all while you shout "NEVER AGAIN!"
You claim to mourn the loss of innocent life, especially the children, while secretly relishing the idea that non-combatant, Arab/Muslim civilians, who never attacked anybody, need to be excavated from under tons of rubble. You claim that the loss of entire families in Gaza fills you with grief but you keep calling for more indiscriminate air strikes on the civilian population ... on people that never attacked Israel. You claim to support peace but you are clearly not ready to advocate for a cease-fire. Instead, you call for the IDF to mow down Palestinian civilians without there being any military necessity to do so.
And I have some questions for you about why you think you should just keep killing until genocide against the Palestinians has been achieved.
I am struck by the fact that while calls for a cease-fire are summarily ignored, few seem to have any clarity about why, beyond racist HATRED, the IDF just keeps systematically killing Palestinian after Palestinian, like Terminators on Judgement Day. The IDF's record with atrocities is bone-chilling; horrifying instances have been regularly documented since 1967. A Commission of Inquiry was quickly established once Israel "declared war" knowing that Israel doesn't have it within themselves to avoid war crimes.
Why isn't the IDF even offering Hamas the option to surrender? The Palestinian civilians would gladly pressure, or at least strongly suggest, that the terrorists just surrender, seeing as how any civilians who don't are working to get themselves and their families killed. Is the option to surrender not offered because Israel just wants to systematically kill all the Palestinians (who never attack Israel, or anyone else for that matter)?