Why blacks vote Democrat
Anyone poor or disadvantaged in the 'States would obviously be out o hi mind to vote for the other lot, surely?
not really. If your poor or disadvantaged your more likely than not in a job where you are readily replaceable. One side welcomes hordes of illegal immigrants to take your job at a lower wage whereas the other side would like to stop that.
frankly with 50% youth unemployement im surprised AA are as strong for the democrats as they are.
You seriously suppose that Trump could convince anyone who wasn't a brainwashed racist idiot? Why should those who have suffered as they have touch a crazy rogue like that ranting scoundrel?
oh i wasnt speaking about trump. I was speaking about the immigration policies of both parties and their effect on the african american community.
For what its worth the 50% youth unemployment statistic comes from bernie sanders.
Standard capitalist policy, especially in America, or how did you all get there?
Kicking your ass too easy is part of the problem!
Kicking your ass too easy is part of the problem!
Literal translation from the Tibetan? What has cruelty to donkeys to do with the question?
Kansas begged immigrants to come back after banning them!
They do the jobs citizens won't
they do the jobs citizens wont at the price employers are willing to pay.
Just wanted to complete the sentence there![]()
You guys are donkeys
You're a deep thinker, then? When do you think? Do let us all know so we can come and watch!![]()
I think most racist are republican, and blacks are smart enough to see it.
You mean with their lower than every other group average IQ? Don't bet on it. All they care about is what the Democrats are willing to give them of white people's money.
I think it should be way more money
Especially from redneck racist
I'm sure you do since it's the only way you'll ever get any you black motherfucker.
Well I ficked your mother
That is your proof
There's proof you haven't been anywhere near her.