Why can't we drink wine at work lunch like the French ?

Any outfit I have worked for would fire my butt if they knew I had drank alcohol at lunch. Well the army would just put me ok KP for a while....Hard to get fired from there.
Oh yeah you do live in Ca don't ya Cypress . I forgot that :)
Try it in the "bible Belt"

btw does CA have any counties that do not allow the sale of Alcohol ?
they lived the ghestapo state and thus reject it out of hand, us we have so many bible thumping wanna be ghestapo lite righties that it's going to take a while to shake them off.
Oh yeah you do live in Ca don't ya Cypress . I forgot that :)
Try it in the "bible Belt"

btw does CA have any counties that do not allow the sale of Alcohol ?

Zero, to my knowledge. You can go into any grocery store here, and buy hard alchohol and whiskey. I've been in a few states, where you can only buy beer in commercial stores. You have to go to some State-franchised store to buy the hard stuff.
f*ck wine. What ever happened to the old school three martini business man lunch? We need to bring that back ASAP.

Yeah, wine makes me tired. But, martinis make me...dangerous.

It's probably best to stick with diet cokes until after work.
Yeah, wine makes me tired. But, martinis make me...dangerous.

It's probably best to stick with diet cokes until after work.

screw that. We should have nooners at lunch that consist of the shot of your choice. I'm envisioning a drunk cart being rolled around to everyone's cube and office around 11:30 and then at noon, we all take one at the same time. If you're pregnant, it should be only be optional.

Oh, and mimosa's and bloody mary's for breakfast.

Work would be so cool.
screw that. We should have nooners at lunch that consist of the shot of your choice. I'm envisioning a drunk cart being rolled around to everyone's cube and office around 11:30 and then at noon, we all take one at the same time. If you're pregnant, it should be only be optional.

Oh, and mimosa's and bloody mary's for breakfast.

Work would be so cool.

Tiana, if had ever been around me after a couple of martinis, you would understand that by following your advice, I would be fired within one week. I'm not the most inhibited person to begin with.

But you go ahead, feel free. :)
I definitely would. And think about that elevator incident. If you had a little buzz going you may not have been so scared! The health benefits are boundless.
Zero, to my knowledge. You can go into any grocery store here, and buy hard alchohol and whiskey. I've been in a few states, where you can only buy beer in commercial stores. You have to go to some State-franchised store to buy the hard stuff.

A different world then. Many dry counties in KY. We used to have to drive about 1.5 hours to buy any booze. Or hit a bootlegger.

And only beer and wine can be sold in regular stores if they have the liscence. a limited number is handed out. More political cronyism :(
Booze must be bought in liscenced liquor stores.

Prohibition is still alive in the bible belt.
A different world then. Many dry counties in KY. We used to have to drive about 1.5 hours to buy any booze. Or hit a bootlegger.

And only beer and wine can be sold in regular stores if they have the liscence. a limited number is handed out. More political cronyism :(
Booze must be bought in liscenced liquor stores.

Prohibition is still alive in the bible belt.

OMG that is horrible! How do you poor bastards survive? What is this, communist russia you live in?

When I want a drink, I want it now. Another reason to love NY.
Jersey's good for booze. 7 days a week just a hop skip and a jump away. I won't even tell you how many options I have for buying alcohol.

Come to think of it. There is a God and he resides in the Garden state.
Me thinks...

y'all in NY drink way too much at work and everywhere else...maybe thats why 911 was so effective..think about what you say!