Why can't we drink wine at work lunch like the French ?

y'all in NY drink way too much at work and everywhere else...maybe thats why 911 was so effective..think about what you say!

Right, because if so many people weren't going to work drunk as they often do in NYC, the planes would have been diverted and the entire catastrophe could have been avoided......if only everyone were on their toes and sober.......for shame.

btw - only one of us said we lived in NY in this thread.
Right, because if so many people weren't going to work drunk as they often do in NYC, the planes would have been diverted and the entire catastrophe could have been avoided......if only everyone were on their toes and sober.......for shame.

btw - only one of us said we lived in NY in this thread.

Amazing that this stupid fucking buffoon actually capped off that anti-American slander with "think about what you say".

If people could be put in prison for being stupid, he'd get 25 years. 25 years, no parole for the buffoon!
OMG that is horrible! How do you poor bastards survive? What is this, communist russia you live in?

When I want a drink, I want it now. Another reason to love NY.

Umm that might have something to do with the high prescription drug abuse here. also churches in the area send you to hell for drinking.
Well now...

Right, because if so many people weren't going to work drunk as they often do in NYC, the planes would have been diverted and the entire catastrophe could have been avoided......if only everyone were on their toes and sober.......for shame.

btw - only one of us said we lived in NY in this thread.

It's okay to bash GW and call him a 'chimp'...but not okay to call East Coastee liberals 'Chumps'...shame on me what was I thinking!
OMG that is horrible! How do you poor bastards survive? What is this, communist russia you live in?

When I want a drink, I want it now. Another reason to love NY.

The $9 a beer is a chocker, though! I can get a premium draft here for $4.50 :clink:

When you come here I'll take you to a beautiful Spanish place that has live music, fabulous food, and makes an incredible mojito. Screw beer! ;)

Ahahaha, sounds great! U. was so glad to be back to the city. I think it has her hooked!
It's okay to bash GW and call him a 'chimp'...but not okay to call East Coastee liberals 'Chumps'...shame on me what was I thinking!
Umm look at the laws. Persons of cleebrity status and such are pretty much fira game. I know of no cleebs or elected officials on here. Only one who claims to hobnob with celebs...
Damn USC hit the wine coolers too...wtf was this all about?

Because you posted this BB, is your short term memory shot to hell ?
"It's okay to bash GW and call him a 'chimp'...but not okay to call East Coastee liberals 'Chumps'...shame on me what was I thinking!

Because you posted this BB, is your short term memory shot to hell ?
"It's okay to bash GW and call him a 'chimp'...but not okay to call East Coastee liberals 'Chumps'...shame on me what was I thinking!

Okay I see where this was coming from...kudos!... So it is you who hangs with the celebs? or is it that I made a point about hypocrits on the lib side?
Thanks BB. Actually I have to get my boat serviced and cleaned up and start playing with it again....as long as I go slow thru the wakes...bad back sucks.