1960s Chick Magnet
I'll take your word for all that.
My deer assault rife of choice has always been a .303 British, and because my Father-In-law had a .303 die for his reloader, we always reloaded our own ammo.
I've still got over a hundred rounds left of what we reloaded back in the 80's.
I never had a need for an AR-15!
You have a respectable family heirloom for your sporting use.
You're masculinity is not diminished by the ownership of an AR-15,
deigned only for offensive use against humans.
My handload was only a minor little story in the early 1960s,
never imagined for use in a military weapon, of course,
and how many people even own a .224 Weatherby Varmintmaster?
I just like to occasionally recall the story
for shits and giggles
because condervatives assume liberals know jack shit about firearms.