WHo will businesses sell to with no workers to buy the products? You really need to think more deeply about your worldview and confused sense of morality.
The problem is you are thinking of wealth/jops as something static, in other words that there is a fixed pie with some exact number to go around.
We saw some jobs leave after NAFTA to Mexico, yet far more people found jobs and good jobs in high tech, biotech, service industries and health. We are living better.
When jobs go overseas with cheaper labor or are done by machines (with cheaper labor), the net result is a lower cost for the products they make. This results in greater purchasing power for buying such things as services, like massage therapy, tanning, etc...
These are things the average family could not afford a generation ago, but can today due to having more of their disposable income because they are spending less on goods.
And of course in turn the demand for services produces jobs there.