Show us where someone, and someone is not some podcaster or talking head, said "nations shouldn't exist"
I dont work for you.
Show us where someone, and someone is not some podcaster or talking head, said "nations shouldn't exist"
I am not difficult to follow.
Yet you can not define your terms.
You constantly employ generalizations that say nothing, as I've said, comparable to "those people," you know, "those people"
shits on the constitution? mean like the politicization of search warrant? changing election methods without state legislative approval? impeachment as a political tool? calling for stacking the Supreme Court or abolishing the electoral college?.....Ironic, now they want to "preserve the Constitution," yet back anything Trump says or does that shits on the Constitution, and what the hell is "Old America?"
I dont work for you.
Feel free to move along, you are certainly not doing me any good.
So you can not, you can not define the terms you employ, it is easy to blame "those people," "those people did it," "you know, those people," if you want to say something the reader anticipates you understand, you specify who "those people" are
shits on the constitution? mean like the politicization of search warrant? changing election methods without state legislative approval? impeachment as a political tool? calling for stacking the Supreme Court or abolishing the electoral college?.....
I investigate and speak truth to the best of my ability.
You do whatever it is that you do.
Sure, as long as you don't have to explain the terms and generations you employ, same reason talk radio was successful, anyone could say what they wanted without having to define terms or answer questions
Sure, as long as you don't have to explain the terms and generations you employ, same reason talk radio was successful, anyone could say what they wanted without having to define terms or answer questions
No warrant was politicalized, and please, spare us the talk radio rhetoric. If you are referring to Pennsylvania, even the SCOTUS confirmed none of that happened, impeachment wasn't political, and I can't think of anyone who ever stacked the SCOTUS or abolished the electoral college, again, talk radio rhetoric
On the other hand though, actual examples, several from Conservative sources, and none of them even include attempting to stop Congress from executing its Constitutional responsibilities on January 6th
Conservatives want to preserve the Constitution and Old America.....the radical Leftists want neo-marxism and the tyranny of the all powerful state.
January 6th, 2021.
Tell us again how you Trumpettes want to preserve the constitution, Cletus.![]()
If you are referring to Pennsylvania, even the SCOTUS confirmed none of that happened
globalists believe trade policy should be sculpted to benefit international corporations and not the american citizenry in general.
globalists misreresent the perceived benefits of globalized trglobade, accentuating alleged positives and denying obvious negatives.
globalist are open border and don't care that immigration suppresses wages for citizens.