Why Democrats Hate Work


But, of course, people can only do what they want by taxing other Americans, borrowing from foreign creditors, and burdening future generations with unsustainable debt. And unfortunately, Schumer's proclamation that the greatest beneficiaries of Obamacare will be single mothers turns out to be false: One of the studies relied upon by the CBO stated that those who benefit from the end of job lock are disproportionately white, single and of work age.


How the Democratic Party morphed into the democrat party is one of the saddest stories that's ever come out of this country.
But, of course, people can only do what they want by taxing other Americans, borrowing from foreign creditors, and burdening future generations with unsustainable debt. And unfortunately, Schumer's proclamation that the greatest beneficiaries of Obamacare will be single mothers turns out to be false: One of the studies relied upon by the CBO stated that those who benefit from the end of job lock are disproportionately white, single and of work age.


How the Democratic Party morphed into the democrat party is one of the saddest stories that's ever come out of this country.

From the TR website:

"Ben Shapiro; Editor-in-Chief of TR; is Shillman Senior Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, as well as editor-at-large of Breitbart News."

Pathetic really, how you have to go to some shill who writes for Breitbart.com.

Can you say "partisan hypocrite"? Because that's what he is.
From the TR website:

"Ben Shapiro; Editor-in-Chief of TR; is Shillman Senior Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, as well as editor-at-large of Breitbart News."

Pathetic really, how you have to go to some shill who writes for Breitbart.com.

Can you say "partisan hypocrite"? Because that's what he is.
It's an observation that I happen to agree with, zapster. I'd like to see you clowns refute it.
But, of course, people can only do what they want by taxing other Americans, borrowing from foreign creditors, and burdening future generations with unsustainable debt. And unfortunately, Schumer's proclamation that the greatest beneficiaries of Obamacare will be single mothers turns out to be false: One of the studies relied upon by the CBO stated that those who benefit from the end of job lock are disproportionately white, single and of work age.


How the Democratic Party morphed into the democrat party is one of the saddest stories that's ever come out of this country.

This is funny when you consider that the majority of those who depend on Government assistance are southern conservatives, mostly Republicans and trust fund Babies and plutocrats who earn their money through investment income, again, mostely Republicans.

Where as most Democrats earn their income through stint of higher education and performing productive work. I mean it's freaking hillarious to listen to disconnected from reality GED's broom pushers like Granule telling me I'm lazy when he couldn't last two hours with me out in the field. :)
But, of course, people can only do what they want by taxing other Americans, borrowing from foreign creditors, and burdening future generations with unsustainable debt. And unfortunately, Schumer's proclamation that the greatest beneficiaries of Obamacare will be single mothers turns out to be false: One of the studies relied upon by the CBO stated that those who benefit from the end of job lock are disproportionately white, single and of work age.


How the Democratic Party morphed into the democrat party is one of the saddest stories that's ever come out of this country.

Wow, most people who benefit from Obamacare are white (the majority ethnic group in the US), single, and aged from 16-65? That totally excludes all the single mothers I know!
This is funny when you consider that the majority of those who depend on Government assistance are southern conservatives, mostly Republicans and trust fund Babies and plutocrats who earn their money through investment income, again, mostely Republicans.

Where as most Democrats earn their income through stint of higher education and performing productive work. I mean it's freaking hillarious to listen to disconnected from reality GED's broom pushers like Granule telling me I'm lazy when he couldn't last two hours with me out in the field. :)
Hey, it's no secret that the core of you perverts have some sort of education and can spin a story with the best of them. It's the rest of your God forsaken party that's the real area of concern. HONEST, hard work is the democrat party's Achilles.

Oh, and by the way: 2 hours in ANY field would put you in the ER. You're not fooling anyone. ;)
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Hey, it's no secret that the core of you perverts have some sort of education and can spin a story with the best of them. It's the rest of your God forsaken party that's the real area of concern. HONEST, hard work is the democrat party's Achilles.

Oh, and by the way: 2 hours in ANY field would put you in the ER. You're not fooling anyone. ;)
2 hours buddy..2 hours!
This is funny when you consider that the majority of those who depend on Government assistance are southern conservatives, mostly Republicans and trust fund Babies and plutocrats who earn their money through investment income, again, mostely Republicans.

Where as most Democrats earn their income through stint of higher education and performing productive work. ...

As all republican arse-lickers know, everyone wants to be bossed about by a bully for peanuts. Aren't your weirdoes WEIRD!
they champion the ONE PECENT in a democracy?

then they WONDER why the have to cheat in elections and LIE to their base non stop to win elections
Why sensible people "hate work".


Trainees must memorise correct forms of address from a training manual, which informs them that it is unacceptable to ask “Why?” (it should be substituted with “May I know the reason?”). The inquiry “Are you done?” should be replaced with “May I ask if you have finished?”

Trainees are told that some guests may request that they stand silently on board deck, motionless in the sunshine, waiting for instructions. “It’s stupid, because they could use a buzzer,” Gilmore says, but much of the staffing on yacht businesses is about ostentation and if a motionless steward, standing by on deck is what the owner requests, then staff are not to argue.

He tells trainees they must never wear sunglasses while addressing guests on board a yacht, because guests want to see be able to see their eyes.

“Never stand there and tell them your life story. Never interrupt the guest. Never ask them personal questions,” he says. “Just say, ‘Good morning, sir.’ Don’t ignore them, but don’t engage.”
this country is on a huge shift left folks.

you will benefit from it but will scream and cry the rest of your lives about it as if your being harmed.

some of your idiots you so carefully courted with lies will kill people because of your fall from power.

How I wish you could just accept democracy and believe in what the founders left us instead of being cheating fucking assholes who will spur people to kill others.

No FACTS deter you from your stupid path.

you will have blood on your hands
Socially, yes. But in terms of economic measures, we haven't moved much at all.

It always takes a long time, as it did in the 'thirties. The first reaction of the mugs is always to rush to re-empower their masters and grovel for a year or two.
your right wing bullshit about economics is about to be thrown in the trash by this country.

cutting taxes on the wealthy has been what we have done for decades now.

Look at the results to our economy and inequality.

you think the Rs had to cheat big time in the pat to stay in office?

you guys cant CHEAT enough to win anymore.

Once we do the next census your jerrymandering wont be in effect anymore.

the new demographics will make you jerrymandering unworkable even if you manage to get your hands on the process.

the far right in this country is about to become FRINGE again.

Mark my words that wil produce MORE Timmy McVeighs and your right wing idiocy will cause DEATHS.

you will have blood on your hands for your duplicity and stupidity
The Democrat Party fought for segregation, while the GOP fought against it. So you are 180 degrees incorrect.

And as you know, the Republicans later went all out to enrol the racists on a racist basis. Come off it!