Why Democrats Hate Work

see lying is all you fucking have to back your stupidity.

the American people back the dem ideas in this country.

why do you hate the American people ?
so when I kick your fucking asses with FACTS its attention seeking?

what the fuck do your posts mean you complete fucking liars?

jesus all you people know is personal attack.

try a fucking FACT once in awhile
I think what Democrats hate more than work, is independence. That's the real issue, here. See, I don't believe that Democrats hate all kinds of work. Hell, there are sleaze balls like evince who are non-stop. The piece of shit simply will not shut the fuck up. He might be the only poster on here who makes a recreational activity like this look like a full time job with loads of over time. So, yeah, Democrats love some forms of hard work. For example: They work like devils to "get the word out". I've never seen a bunch of pervert socialists work harder to protect a Kenyan who is trying to destroy the country in which they live. Screaming for abortion rights; corrupting marriage laws; gun grabbing at the wrong level; political correctness enforcement. The work is there, and there is lots of it. The problem is, it's the wrong kind of work, and all those roads point to stealing our independence and establishing government as the controller of everything.

Where would the rightists experience work? Their masters just steal from the mugs and the mugs just lick their arses. What use are these pillocks to anyone? Send 'em to the moon to earn their smelly living.
who the fuck do they think are all the people working jobs in this country?

they just lie non stop
But, of course, people can only do what they want by taxing other Americans, borrowing from foreign creditors, and burdening future generations with unsustainable debt. And unfortunately, Schumer's proclamation that the greatest beneficiaries of Obamacare will be single mothers turns out to be false: One of the studies relied upon by the CBO stated that those who benefit from the end of job lock are disproportionately white, single and of work age.


How the Democratic Party morphed into the democrat party is one of the saddest stories that's ever come out of this country.

America was built on labor and when the rich and corporatists went to far and hired thugs and beat workers to keep them in line and to not give them raises. The unions were formed and they were formed of all WORKERS.

The democrat party wouldnt exist if they only had non working bums voting for them, the democrat party is the working class.

Just for the record im a long time republican now independent who votes for whoever I think is best for that particular position both parties can stuff their agendas