What exactly is a "non-POC?" A non Person of Color? Is that like someone who is a color, but is not a person, or someone who is a person and is not a color? Last I checked, white is still a color, so we are all people of color. In that regard, everything you say is cloaked in your racist thoughts, because it is YOU who is applying the attribute of skin color. Whenever anything YOU feel is an injustice to a person who is 'black' you immediately assume it was because they were 'black' and nothing else could possibly be the cause of the injustice. This sort of bigotry becomes problematic after a while, because it actually serves to gloss over public consciousness of legitimate racism in America.
I asked you this question earlier, and you never did answer me... How are we supposed to live in a colorblind society, when you refuse to see anything without looking at color first? When everything you consider, is viewed through the prism of race, what color someone was, what color someone else is... how can you ever expect the rest of society to establish what Dr. King envisioned?
....awaiting your answer!!!
I reposted the article...and while I might not use the term, "non-POC", I know what it means, and what was meant...as do you. White, in many ways and aspects is a "non-color" (if you really want to look at it...otherwise, why would you spend so much time and effort with tanning solutions and tanning beds, trying to get some color?) Hello?
And nice try at trying to assign the words of the article to me. I didn't write it, but I agree with it.
And the onus would be on you, given the history of slavery and injustice in this country, to prove that the injustice was because of anything other than color or ethnicity. How and why do you think the onus falls on black people , when more times than not, they are the objects of your hate, discrimination and resentment?]
And where the fuck do you get off trying to decide for me or for anyone else what "legitimate racism, in America' is. That speaks to the very crux of the article I posted. You have no business deciding for me what I find insulting, discriminatory, or racist. Don't I have a mind? Don't I have free will, as much as you? I graduated in the top percentile of my high school class, and placed in the Greater Houston Science Fair of 1970...who might you be to tell me a goddamn thing? Nobody, that's who.
And bitch, ask yourself the question. I don't look at color. I have white friends, neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues, associates, and family that I love dearly. And they all seem to know how to talk to me, and treat me with respect, which I reciprocate. You, and people like you have the problem of thinking of black people as "the other" and "less than", otherwise , why would your rhetoric reflect such? Go look in a mirror. That is where you'll find the answer to your questions. When you drop your racism, others will drop theirs. It's you that can't seem to see beyond race, and you project that onto others. I'm not racist. I'm not a bigot. Not by a long shot. But I am pro-Palestinian. For myriad reasons. And you should be ashamed to bring up Dr. King's name. You're not worthy to speak it.