Why did Democrats target Christie?

The attack on Christie seems to have borne fruit:

A new CNN/ORC poll shows New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) now trailing Hillary Clinton (D) in a presidential race by 16 points.

just a clarification. I certainly could have taken on some contract research work, I suppose... the fact remains.... who the democrats "go after" next will be decided, in large part, by which republican steps on his dick first.
who the democrats "go after" next will be decided, in large part, by which republican steps on his dick first.

I suspect the partys' political operatives are more careful of their resources than that.

Perhaps we should consider the following:

No threat assessment?

I am not privy to all the polling data, but my assessment is that at this point the Democrats are likely very happy with the current field of Republican candidates and don't want to mess with it. There is not a moderate in the mix, and a nutjob would be who the prefer to run against.
I am not privy to all the polling data, but my assessment is that at this point the Democrats are likely very happy with the current field of Republican candidates and don't want to mess with it. There is not a moderate in the mix, and a nutjob would be who the prefer to run against.

"Moderate" and "nutjob" as defined by Democrats, Counselor?
I am not privy to all the polling data, but my assessment is that at this point the Democrats are likely very happy with the current field of Republican candidates and don't want to mess with it. There is not a moderate in the mix, and a nutjob would be who the prefer to run against.

I agree... we need to do what we can to move the GOP decision making away from potential candidates whom the center of the bell curve might view as moderate. The further to the right their candidate is, the easier it will be for Hillary to not only win, but have long coattails.
I don't necessarily agree that the Dems "targeted" Christie but how about we use the same argument you guys use for Benghazi, i.e. the buck stops here.

Of course!!! After all, what are four American deaths compared to lane closures right???

Ugh; beyond mere stupid.
And the center of the bell curve is tired of this Benghazi dog whistle NOW... just imagine how sick of it they will be after two more years of it!
I am not privy to all the polling data, but my assessment is that at this point the Democrats are likely very happy with the current field of Republican candidates and don't want to mess with it. There is not a moderate in the mix, and a nutjob would be who the prefer to run against.

Fascinating in that there haven't even been announcements who will be running. So where is this list of Republican Candidates?

What we do know is that for now; Hildebeast has been anointed by the leftstream media. What better Liberal wet dream than following the massive failure of the inexperienced inept first black President with another inexperienced inept failed woman President?
I agree... we need to do what we can to move the GOP decision making away from potential candidates whom the center of the bell curve might view as moderate. The further to the right their candidate is, the easier it will be for Hillary to not only win, but have long coattails.

But do they have a moderate candidate without Christie?