Why did Libby Perjue himself? Why did he obstruct justice?


Junior Member
What was the PURPOSE?

he's a lawyer and knows not to lie before a grand jury for goodness sakes.

he also thought that journalists would NOT be forced to testify against him so he thought he'd get away with his lies when he testified....

this backfired.

and WHY was he lying?

WHO was he ''protecting'' and WHY?

there is a DARK CLOUD over the VP, as fitzpatrick has said.... imo.

if fitzy was a ''kenneth star, the Vp would have been called to testify under oath by now...

but they let the vp deny this....never did he go under oath, WHY?
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I don't think he meant to. There was no need to. There was no underlieing crime. Fitz knew who leaked the info within weeks of the investigation and so why was it continued? Novak who started this whole thing ratted out his informant in the first interview with Fitz. The "leaker" confessed. That was within weeks in not days of the start of the investigation to determine if a crime was committed. NO ONE WAS CHARGED.
Facts those nasty things that get in the way of the liberal agenda!

>> On Dec. 30, 2003, the day Fitzgerald was appointed special counsel, he should have known (all he had to do was ask the CIA) that Plame was not covert, knowledge that should have stopped the investigation right there. The law prohibiting disclosure of a covert agent's identity requires that the person have a foreign assignment at the time or have had one within five years of the disclosure, that the government be taking affirmative steps to conceal the government relationship, and for the discloser to have actual knowledge of the covert status.

From FBI interviews conducted after Oct. 1, 2003, Fitzgerald also knew that then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage had identified Plame as a CIA officer to columnist Robert D. Novak, who first published Plame's name on July 14, 2003.

· In January 2001, Libby was the lawyer for millionaire financier Marc Rich, whom President Bill Clinton pardoned shortly before leaving office. Fitzgerald, who was then an assistant U.S. attorney in the southern district of New York, and U.S. Attorney James Comey spearheaded the criminal investigation of that pardon.

· Fitzgerald jailed former New York Times reporter Judith Miller for almost 90 days for not providing evidence in a matter that involved no crime. Yet the two were engaged in another dispute: Fitzgerald wanted Miller's phone records, contending that by contacting an Islamic charity, she had alerted it to a government search the day before it happened.

· Fitzgerald granted immunity to former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer without ever asking what he would testify to; he permitted NBC News bureau chief Tim Russert to be interviewed in a law firm office with his lawyer present, while Novak was forced to testify before the grand jury without counsel present.

· Armitage, like Bush adviser Karl Rove, forgot one conversation with a reporter. Fitzgerald threatened Rove with prosecution; Armitage bragged that he didn't even need a lawyer.

· In violating prosecutorial ethics by discussing facts outside the indictment during his Oct. 28, 2005, news conference, Fitzgerald made one factual assertion that turned out to be flat wrong: Libby was not "the first official" to reveal Plame's identity.

Silly, silly boy...toby.

It was the CIA that went to the justice department and asked them to investigate WHO leaked the name of valerie Plame, one of THEIR UNDERCOVER agents.

The CIA Toby is the one who requested the investigation.

Armitage did leak her name by accident, this is true...

HOWEVER, Rove and Libby are the ones that made a concerted effort to expose her to the press before Novak printed his story....9 different reporters testified to this in Libby's trial..... guess you were not paying attention to the trial....

The leaker of this classified information was Dick Cheney, instructing Libby, Rove and a couple of others to contact Judith Miller and Tim Russert etc.....

There was no reason for Libby to lie under oath, before the grand jury and the fbi if there was nothing that was done wrong or to be afraid of....

that's just common sense.
You are not paying attention Care. Who leaked the info? Has anyone been charged with outing her? There was no crime.
If outing her was a crime, why hasn't Armitage been charged? It doesn't matter what the reason he did it was, did he out her or not?
Toby, toby toby

With watergate, all of those that went to jail and that were charged with crimes were not charged with the initial crimes BUT THEY WERE CHARGED with the crimes they committed in trying to COVER IT UP....

It was the coverup that NAILED all of those REPUBLICANS....not the initial crimes....

So what is the difference?

Did Clinton commit a crime for having sex with monica> No... however the coverup is what got the impeachment procedings started right?

The CIA said that they were keeping her undercover and fitzpatrick said that this is why he persued the case, and that during that case, through Libby's lies, sand was thrown in his eyes as the ball was crossing the plate... Libby obstructed JUSTICE by doing such.....

Now what would the "justice" have been.... nailing Cheney for leaking it to all of his cronies so that they could get this info to the press...is what is more than likely.

Cheney REFUSED to testify under oath....why is that? And fitzy the republican that he is, did not push cheney to do this.....

Too bad there was not a "kenneth Star" only a Democratic one, doing the investigation...Cheney and Bush would have been forced to testify under oath don't ya think?
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Care get a grip on reality. Libby didn't prevent Fitz from finding out who the leaker was. He had nothing at all to do with Armitage. NOTHING. NO obstruction there.

Fitz hasn't concluded that Mrs Wilson was covert, In fact seems just the opposite.

Cheney didn't need to testify and Fitz did not call him.
You are trying to make something out of this case that is just not there.
To the contrary, mein Freund. You are trying to assert that all the smoke is not coming from a fire. Maybe someone's down there with a mineral oil fog machine or something. Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
Care get a grip on reality. Libby didn't prevent Fitz from finding out who the leaker was. He had nothing at all to do with Armitage. NOTHING. NO obstruction there.

Fitz hasn't concluded that Mrs Wilson was covert, In fact seems just the opposite.

Cheney didn't need to testify and Fitz did not call him.

cheney refused to testify under oath before the grand jury toby.

cheney hand wrote notes to libby on what to leak to the press re. plame.

cheney is the ORIGINAL leaker, he ordered IT DONE.

who told armitage this info about plame?
yes, uscit, my internal clock has been all messed up this whole week! waking up a 2 am, falling asleep again at 6am..... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! lol

well, my computer did ok and changed with this unusual time change.
Mine changed and then rebooted itself 20 minutes later.

Still on bride outage call with VP's and all that crap....lovely....

Most of the stuff survived the DST change but some still thinks it is Saturday...

I sure am not saving any daylight today...
Investigation is over, no one outed Mrs Wilson. Cheney was questioned by Fitz he was not called to the Grand Jury. You guys want so much from this and it is just not there.
once again toby, why did libby make up a story and told this lie to the grand jury, why did he obstruct justice?

what was his purpose?

what was the necessity of doing such? to protect armitage? lol

please use your God given brain!

i'll await your answers on why you think libby lied under oath on this issue...

He may has just gotten his dates and people confused. Memory. There was no reason for him to lie. A dozen reporters have said he told them nothing about Valarie, and every one of the witnesses have had mistakes in who told what when.
Toby....it wasn't forgetfulness, he made UP AN ENTIRE STORY that did not ever happen!... thus the wild goose chase....

He spoke with the vp just 15 minutes before he testified before the grand jury which was just a couple of months after he leaked to these 9 people/reporters....

he is the right hand man of vp cheney and president bush.... there is no way in hell he could forget what he did....just a couple months before hand.

libby just thought that all of the reporters would not reveal their source.... but fitzy made them or jailed them.... this is what got libby.

And also, just because armitage might have told novak about this, does NOT MEAN that both Libby and Rove and some others were not leaking this information too?

I just don't understand WHAT LOGIC you are using?
Umm should we have a scatterbrained forgetful person in a very high position in our govt ? oops sorry forget I said that we have had Regan and Bush....