So you acknowledge that corporatism is not the founding doctrine of our nation?
with the exception of property rights, yes.
So you acknowledge that corporatism is not the founding doctrine of our nation?
with the exception of property rights, yes.
I have many customers who were not just customers, they are friends. Most of them are multi-millionaires. One thing I learned is we share the same values. I was always honest with my customers and took an interest in THEIR success. I didn't sell them equipment, I sold them my expertise in providing solutions, better ways to do their jobs and my pledge that when something broke, I would personally get the right technician out on their job site and I would be their advocate with the dealership.
I learned from calling on thousands of corporations, from the one man backhoe/trailer guys to the huge corporations with large fleets, people don't get rich by making other people poor or mistreating their employees. One, because employees are not stupid. The owner gets back in spades what he invests in his people. They will either support and take on a sense of ownership in their success or do the exact same in their failure. And second, when an owner discounts and dismisses the value of his employees, he will ultimately discount and dismiss the value of his customers.
Success is not magic, number crunching or plotting to circumvent rules, it is about honesty, hard work and knowing how to treat your people.
your precious supreme court, that one you praise for it's gun control rulings, created rights of corporations. how do you like it now?
i generalized your 'feelings' on the subject in order to save space on the post. it reduces bandwidth, damo would be thrilled.Hey STU...were do you get the sanction to make up quotes and attribute them to me? You are fortunate this board's rules are liberal. You would be banned for that on other boards...
Can you get any lower to prove you are firing blanks?
i generalized your 'feelings' on the subject in order to save space on the post. it reduces bandwidth, damo would be thrilled.
yeah, i could act like USFreedom. and what blanks? i pointed out very specifically that you agree with the courts rulings on gun laws, but you feel this is different.
so blame the courts, not anyone or anything else.
He a communist/socialist, practicing his craft on how to weave the fabric of history into a believable story with lies and innuendo, stating opinion as fact, to further the agenda of left. In short ...a problem, liberal arts majors are often ashamed to admit what they do for a living.
Hey STU...were do you get the sanction to make up quotes and attribute them to me? You are fortunate this board's rules are liberal. You would be banned for that on other boards...
Can you get any lower to prove you are firing blanks?
He a communist/socialist, practicing his craft on how to weave the fabric of history into a believable story with lies and innuendo, stating opinion as fact, to further the agenda of left. In short ...a pinhead.
An opening like " Why did our founding fathers hate corporations' is a dead give away.
1. How does the truth distort reality?
2. What's a neocon? It ain't me.
You sure do have a way with words....hahahaHe made big money working for a big typical corporation. But like a lot of liberals he thinks he's way smarter than most. Now he shits on the doorstep that fed him. Not Cool.
Cat is a great American Company![]()
sounds like most corporations too me, your a good guy. But your not the only one out their.![]()
Cat is now manufacturing in China genius.
I've also seen the corporations that don't value their employees. There is short term gains at the expense of others but rarely as much as they could gain.
I used to frequent a restaurant where I'd meet up with my motorcycle buddies. The owner started the business as a small take out hot dog stand, and turned it into a family restaurant chain. He built new, beautiful and innovative structures and had a booming business. He would always walk around and greet the customers and ask how their meal was etc. And he always made sure people got a little more than less portions for their money.
When he retired, his sons took over. The sons were 'smarter' than the old man. The one son said to the other; you know Bob, if we use a smaller scoop for the mashed potatoes, cut back on the pea and only serve one basket of bread we can make 5 cents more per meal. The restaurant the dad started no longer exists. (I made up the conversation, but not the outcome)
you did the same bs to me several times![]()
Topspin said:
that's hillarious, so cat is the only good one. Shit most are great, bad ones fail through competition like you pointed out earlier.
come on bf, you were general studies right?