Why Did Racism Get So Bad?


Diversity Makes Greatness
Why Did Racism Get So Bad?

Actually, it is logical that racism got worse in America.

There is no effective easy mechanism to stop it.

We know that racism is handed down, generation to generation.

The more people we have in the country, the more racists there will be.

As population grows, if 25% of the population is racist, then 25% of a growing number is also a growing number.

The internet and social media have allowed the most sensational stories to be shared wide and fast. Those are the stories that get the most attention. People are drawn to sick emotional sensational stories.

Racism flares up after incidents of racial violence are shared in the media.

Things quiet down when there are no sensational stories shared. But these stories are increasing in number because the number of racists is increasing. That means we are seeing them more and more frequently. The sick few are getting outsized attention.

It's only logical that racism is becoming an increasingly common story in America.

We need to empty our prisons of non-violent drug offenders and fill them with violent racists. We need to give up on the failed war on drugs, legalize everything, have treatment for drug abuse. It is time for a war on racism. How do we fight that?

We need to stand up for fairness, equality and good American values. We need to let it be known that we the good people oppose all this racism and violence.

We need to stop giving racism so much attention. We need any new laws that give us tools to apprehend violent racists. Racists get their 15 minutes of fame and then the rest of their lives are destroyed, all or most of it spent in prison.

Soon enough we will become desensitized to it as a nation. Everything gets old. We don't want to dwell on hatred as a country. If people want to destroy their own lives, then they will have to pay the price. We need to make it very clear what the sentences for racism and violence are. Some people need to get maximum sentencing to show the rest what is in store for them if they don't treat people right.

We need to teach tolerance and diversity in schools. Place our hopes on future generations. The current crop is messed up.
Solving the big problems is just like solving any problem.

Identify the problem.

Identify possible solutions.

Place solutions in action.

See what works, what doesn't.

If at first we don't succeed try, try, and try again. Until we do succeed.
Kill lying Fox News

Racism has grown due to its evil propaganda

Fox is racist

Fox lies

Fox alters tape of the US president for racist political gain

Kill fox news

And Russia has fomented racism WORLD WIDE

it’s fact

International news has reported on it

Fox lies about that too

They call it lies to protect the evil dictator Putin
Part of it is the phone camera . The people took pictures showing cops abusing and killing the minorities. The cops could no longer lie about what they were doing. The bigots came out backing the police and it escalated from there. Zimmerman getting away with murdering Travon was another big event that created turmoil.
Bigots would not come out and proudly broadcast their hate in public before. Now that can and do.
Charlottesville was another big deal. It gac\ve space for nazis to show their hate in public too. We had a president who approved of all of it.
In simplest terms, because the Left has made a major issue out of race, starting on university campuses and spreading it to society in general...
start by accepting that racial bias is not limited to white people.
understand that racial bias need not be any more than personal opinion.
we have laws that address racial bias in commerce etc, criminal activity etc.

we could take a huge step forward by simply exercising good manners. all these disparate cultures simpl reinforce and champion differences. this is not helpful and is counter to the melting pot that made America great.

you are correct in noting that the internet massively overstates the severity of the problem.

I can tell you that over the course of my 66 years racial bias here in Richmond VA (you know, the capital of the confederacy) it has gotten far worse and mainly due to government efforts to make people "change". well change they did and for the worse.
Hello Nordberg,

Part of it is the phone camera . The people took pictures showing cops abusing and killing the minorities. The cops could no longer lie about what they were doing. The bigots came out backing the police and it escalated from there. Zimmerman getting away with murdering Travon was another big event that created turmoil.
Bigots would not come out and proudly broadcast their hate in public before. Now that can and do.
Charlottesville was another big deal. It gac\ve space for nazis to show their hate in public too. We had a president who approved of all of it.

Every shared incident just throws more fuel on the fire.

But in time people will grow desensitized to it and it will lose it's draw.

Racism is not what America is all about nor what the majority want America to be.

We will have our fling with it and then we will get tired of it. Very tired.

We will find a way past this and put it behind us.

America cannot be about racism and hatred.

Fellow Americans are not enemies. They are fellow citizens. Same country. Same team. Same needs, desires, values, future.

Our future is together.

We just need to work out some details.
The way to fix this problem is to start telling the Leftist(s) spouting racist nonsense to STFU whenever they start. It's that simple. Demand they prove what they're saying. Make them give examples. Force them to answer for their racism.
More sage advice from Pollyanna--for insane optimists.

We can protect peoples civil rights and liberties by stature--and we should.
We can create equal opportunity by statute--and we should.

We can't change peoples hearts by statute.
Humans are tribal. Only evolution can change that, and evolution is slow.
Protecting your civil rights and liberties, along with stopping racism starts with YOU, not the government. If you let assholes get away with saying and doing racist things then you are part of the problem. Don't wait for, or expect, the government to fix that problem. They're way behind the curve and likely never will.
Anybody who tries to start a race war or a political war will get the same thing that has happened to every other violent extremist domestic terrorist. They get their 15 minutes of fame and their own life is ruined, and the country does not change because of them.

Violence is not the answer.

Mean spirited rhetoric is foolishly taunting violence.

People who get violent are asking to be subdued by the authorities, and face the criminal court system.

If you think life in America with both conservatives and liberals together is unbearable and you turn to violence to fix that?

You ain't gonna fix nuthing except yourself a heap o trouble.

It's time to start thinking of people as people no matter what they look like or what their background is.

We have a diverse country with lots of different races and ethnicities. Diversity is a strength not a weakness.

A homogenized country is a weak country. Diversity makes America great. A multi-colored America is a great America.

What we should really do is let immigrants in who want to work and build a better America. With millions more eager workers we could build a Green New America. Lots more people working, paying taxes, earning, becoming consumers, contributing to the economy, creating demand for more products, building better housing, building better infrastructure, buying things, creating jobs.

Most people trying to get into America just want to work and be good citizens. China is surpassing us economically because they have 4 times as many workers as we do. We could give them a run for their money if we built a new manufacturing base out of immigrants.
More sage advice from Pollyanna--for insane optimists.

We can protect peoples civil rights and liberties by stature--and we should.
We can create equal opportunity by statute--and we should.

We can't change peoples hearts by statute.
Humans are tribal. Only evolution can change that, and evolution is slow.

“It seems to me that any law that is not enforced and can't be enforced weakens all other laws.”
― Robert A Heinlein, Friday
Your racism needed no prodding.

The claim that America is fundamentally a racist society is a straight up lie, but people are ignorant now, they dont know how to think, the con too often works.

Buckle Up, Hell is ahead, this level of failure to perform gets punished....HARD.