Why Did Racism Get So Bad?

Solving the big problems is just like solving any problem.

Identify the problem.

Identify possible solutions.

Place solutions in action.

See what works, what doesn't.

If at first we don't succeed try, try, and try again. Until we do succeed.

Void argument fallacy. Define 'The Problem'.

And Russia has fomented racism WORLD WIDE

it’s fact

International news has reported on it

Fox lies about that too

They call it lies to protect the evil dictator Putin

Putin is a socialist. He wants Democrats in power. He's even said so several times.
Part of it is the phone camera . The people took pictures showing cops abusing and killing the minorities. The cops could no longer lie about what they were doing. The bigots came out backing the police and it escalated from there. Zimmerman getting away with murdering Travon was another big event that created turmoil.
Bigots would not come out and proudly broadcast their hate in public before. Now that can and do.
Charlottesville was another big deal. It gac\ve space for nazis to show their hate in public too. We had a president who approved of all of it.

Bigotry. Racism. Trump does not approve of bigotry or racism.
Any reasonable person knows it got worse since Trump. We are not at an equivalent to slavery days or Jim Crow. We do not have KKK marching down 5th Avenue anymore. We do not hang blacks anymore. We beat them up and throw them in jail.

Omniscience fallacy. You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you.

The KKK, a violent racist organization created by the Democrats party, which still funds and supports it, is alive and active. It still goes out to abuse blacks, and sometimes kills them.

BLM, a violent racist organization that beats up blacks (and sometimes kills them), does not throw anyone in jail. They are funded and supported by Democrats.

Antifa, another violent racist organization that beats up blacks (and sometimes kills them), does not throw anyone in jail. They are also funded and supported by Democrats.
Hello JPF,

Thanks for weighing in. I agree. White men see their dominance slipping away. Some are fine with it, some are not. Some feel very challenged by this. Some feel like they are owed a life of dominance just like their fathers and grandfathers had, and they are facing a world where that is going away. They don't like that. They are trying to keep white male privilege and chauvinism alive and strong. They want what they feel is due to them in an evolving culture where that is not so prevalent any more.

Here is my question to you...

Do you think it is conscious? I don't think it is something that is a conscious thing... I don't think anyone of them walk around thinking, "I must preserve my privilege"! I think the idea is rooted in laziness. And I don't think it is just a thing for righties. Its much easier to just dismiss someone by appearance than it is to get to know them, find out their problems, their motivations, etc...
Hello JPF,

Here is my question to you...

Do you think it is conscious? I don't think it is something that is a conscious thing... I don't think anyone of them walk around thinking, "I must preserve my privilege"! I think the idea is rooted in laziness. And I don't think it is just a thing for righties. Its much easier to just dismiss someone by appearance than it is to get to know them, find out their problems, their motivations, etc...

Agreed on all points. I am certain most have not realized the big picture of having seen this in their family line and then connecting it to not finding it in today's world, and their own frustration with the world as they see it.

Why should any woman put up with a man who treats her like a child, trying to run her life and boss her around? That's classic abuser/enabler relationship stuff.

I'm sure it happens among liberal voters as well, but I would expect that it is far more prevalent in the Trump Party.
Shit stain? What is wrong with you? Can you debate like an adult?

oh - I used to. and do in places that deserve respect.

you shit stains refuse to ever call out your own for the disgusting behavior - so I decided you are all part of the same coin

just shit stains that are dredges on society. be happy we are not in the same room together shit stain.
Why Did Racism Get So Bad?

Actually, it is logical that racism got worse in America.

There is no effective easy mechanism to stop it.

We know that racism is handed down, generation to generation.

The more people we have in the country, the more racists there will be.

As population grows, if 25% of the population is racist, then 25% of a growing number is also a growing number.

The internet and social media have allowed the most sensational stories to be shared wide and fast. Those are the stories that get the most attention. People are drawn to sick emotional sensational stories.

Racism flares up after incidents of racial violence are shared in the media.

Things quiet down when there are no sensational stories shared. But these stories are increasing in number because the number of racists is increasing. That means we are seeing them more and more frequently. The sick few are getting outsized attention.

It's only logical that racism is becoming an increasingly common story in America.

We need to empty our prisons of non-violent drug offenders and fill them with violent racists. We need to give up on the failed war on drugs, legalize everything, have treatment for drug abuse. It is time for a war on racism. How do we fight that?

We need to stand up for fairness, equality and good American values. We need to let it be known that we the good people oppose all this racism and violence.

We need to stop giving racism so much attention. We need any new laws that give us tools to apprehend violent racists. Racists get their 15 minutes of fame and then the rest of their lives are destroyed, all or most of it spent in prison.

Soon enough we will become desensitized to it as a nation. Everything gets old. We don't want to dwell on hatred as a country. If people want to destroy their own lives, then they will have to pay the price. We need to make it very clear what the sentences for racism and violence are. Some people need to get maximum sentencing to show the rest what is in store for them if they don't treat people right.

We need to teach tolerance and diversity in schools. Place our hopes on future generations. The current crop is messed up.

Another explaination is that there has been no consequences behind it. Back in the day, you protested a business or a public/private venue until they bent to your will....today, negro s are to rapped up in whiteness and hispanics want to be white, so you have no real fodda to persue and win anything