Althea told me...
LiarHow much you wanna bet.
I wouldn't have made that statement if I didn't already have proof.
LiarHow much you wanna bet.
I wouldn't have made that statement if I didn't already have proof.
Not how it works, liarWhy don't you go research it before I make you look like an idiot.
We don't have to go further with this.
Idiot. Next time read your own links. These were weapons Reagan gave Hussein to be used against Iran.U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report
And that's a liberal source.
[FONT="]The discovery of pre-Gulf War chemical weapons — most of them "filthy, rusty or corroded" — did not fit the narrative.[/FONT]
[FONT="]“They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”[/FONT]
U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report
And that's a liberal source.
Idiot. Next time read your own links. These were weapons Reagan gave Hussein to be used against Iran.
U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report
And that's a liberal source.
The chemical weapons Saddam used on Iran were made in USA and sold to Iraq covertly.
There were never any WMDs. Bush invaded Iraq for 3 reasons:
1. To control their oil distribution - their oil was power and;
2. To show terrorists that after 911 that the USA was not to be fucked with, i.e., to beat up a bully to scare anyone else that might think of attacking us.
3. Even though Iraq had no WMD's it was feared they might someday and so attack them before they became a threat.
#3 is the "Bush doctrine".
Bush and the other neocons didn't want us to wait until it was discovered there were no WMD's so they made up stories that Iraq already had them in order to fool everyone into thinking it was ok to attack. The crime of it was - our armed forces weren't ready - we didn't have enough protective gear or equipment to go in - but the neocon fuck heads didn't care about all the American dead and wounded. For those trumptards attacking Biden for the way we withdrew from Afghanistan - just remind them of the fucked up way we went into Iraq.
Cheney was the liaison who brokered the chem weapons. He and all the Bush's knew that they were expired. But they sure pretended they were ready so they could justify the war which was about oil and power.
This work allowed Iraq to produce 150 tons of mustard agent and 60 tons of Tabun in 1983 and 1984 respectively, continuing throughout the decade. All told, 52% of Iraq's international chemical weapon equipment was of German origin.
Why did the US and allies invade Iraq, 20 years ago? | BBC
To start destabilizing the Middle East.
The middle east hasn't been stabilized since the Ottoman Empire ruled it.
Disagree. Iraq and Syria...whether you agreed with their systems of government or not...were the big dogs. Now they aren't.
You could make that argument although Syria is a bit iffy.
It would depend on what you consider stable and also what you consider the middle east.
It's a very convoluted question.
I was referring to the region as a whole, not singular nations.
Because the US and it's allies believed they had weapons of mass destruction, which they did and were found by the UN.
Always better to err on the side of caution.
Plus Saddam was known for using WMD's against his own people, he ran torture chambers, he was robbing the nation, he invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia with war, he had waged a war against Iran, he had threatened Israel with complete destruction, he threatened the US with complete destruction.
You need more reasons?
it was about oil. The Brits and Americans had Iraq's oil divided up by contract before we went in. Wars are always about money.