sorry froggie I'm writing over you because I can see citizen's quote came up when you quoted him.
Citizen glad to see you can understand a few words that on the page, that mean's your not fully illiterate. Comprehension we still have to work on. Willie Brown, a big time liberal, did not call Sarah Palin a genius. He called her move to leave Alaska a politically genius move. Comprehend the difference? (Rhetorical question because I already know your respond is going to be no.)
And froggie I'm not sure what bar is being lowered. Willie Brown is the ultimate politician with a lifetime of experience which is what makes his column and insights so interesting. You (and everyone else) are obviously free to disagree his perspective.
So, she has a good agent, she isn't a genius, the person who thought she should move on is a genius.
We didn't forgive Jewel, we won't forgive Palin.