Why Didn't Trump Televise Getting Covid Shot During Presidency?

Not a Trump voter, but my guess is that he saw it as a sign of weakness. I also wonder WHY they got it, since according to news reports they had survived the infection months earlier. Did their immunity wane that quickly, or was it just extra caution?

that is a good question. my guess is their medical advisers advised them to be extra cautious, and when it is their lives on the line, they listen to reason.
that is a good question. my guess is their medical advisers advised them to be extra cautious, and when it is their lives on the line, they listen to reason.

If that is the case, then -- if they really did give a shit about their fellow Americans -- they should have at least publicized it better.

I know a number of ppl who survived the virus and got the vaccine anyways; they are all younger people but with serious pre-existing conditions.
too chickenshit to even guess, to even make a comment if you think it is good for an idiot a lot of people try to emulate to not publicize taking a covid vaccine....what a chickenshit you are!! like all the other trump stooges who did the same thing!! just try to defend trump, deflect, blame biden. you are so gutless and useless.

Did you get your shot yet? If so,
you've got Trump to thank you know....;)
Why Didn't Trump Televise Getting Covid Shot During Presidency?

Bloody thing kept ducking? Fatman couldn't hold his bang-bang straight? Photographer joined the half-million in mid-shot? Fatman hit photographer? The possibilities are endless! :)
Why Didn't Trump Televise Getting Covid Shot During Presidency?

Bloody thing kept ducking? Fatman couldn't hold his bang-bang straight? Photographer joined the half-million in mid-shot? Fatman hit photographer? The possibilities are endless! :)

Maybe didn't want anyone to see his weak, flabby arm. lol
He could have televised it like Pence and Biden and Obama and Clinton and other repubs did, and a lot of his goofy ass cult members might have decided to follow in his fat pear-shaped footsteps and not only helped themselves and their families, but the rest of Americans, too?

Can a Trump voter give me one good reason he would get his covid vaccination in secret?

Trump and his wife received coronavirus vaccine before ...www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
1 day ago — Former President Donald J. Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received coronavirus vaccinations in January before leaving the White House, ...

Trump, Melania were vaccinated for Covid at the White House ...www.cnbc.com › 2021/03/01 › trump-melania-were-va...
1 day ago — Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received coronavirus vaccinations in January at the White House, said a ...

Trump received COVID vaccine at White House in January ...www.axios.com › Politics & Policy › Donald Trump
1 day ago — Former President Trump and former first lady Melania Trump were both vaccinated at the White House in January, a Trump adviser tells Axios.

Why Did Trump Want to Keep His Covid-19 Vaccination a ...www.rollingstone.com › politics › politics-news › trum...
22 hours ago — Former President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2020, in Washington, D.C..

Donald and Melania Trump quietly got Covid vaccines last ...www.theguardian.com › us-news › mar › donald-melan...
20 hours ago — Unlike other officials, the then president and first lady did not receive their shots on TV.

Donald Trump, Melania Trump quietly got vaccine shots as ...www.bostonglobe.com › 2021/03/01 › nation › donald-tr...
1 day ago — Donald Trump privately received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine while still in office in January, aides familiar with the matter say,

You surely realize he's no longer president, rite?
He could have televised it like Pence and Biden and Obama and Clinton and other repubs did, and a lot of his goofy ass cult members might have decided to follow in his fat pear-shaped footsteps and not only helped themselves and their families, but the rest of Americans, too?

Can a Trump voter give me one good reason he would get his covid vaccination in secret?

Trump and his wife received coronavirus vaccine before ...www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
1 day ago — Former President Donald J. Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received coronavirus vaccinations in January before leaving the White House, ...

Trump, Melania were vaccinated for Covid at the White House ...www.cnbc.com › 2021/03/01 › trump-melania-were-va...
1 day ago — Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received coronavirus vaccinations in January at the White House, said a ...

Trump received COVID vaccine at White House in January ...www.axios.com › Politics & Policy › Donald Trump
1 day ago — Former President Trump and former first lady Melania Trump were both vaccinated at the White House in January, a Trump adviser tells Axios.

Why Did Trump Want to Keep His Covid-19 Vaccination a ...www.rollingstone.com › politics › politics-news › trum...
22 hours ago — Former President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrive on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2020, in Washington, D.C..

Donald and Melania Trump quietly got Covid vaccines last ...www.theguardian.com › us-news › mar › donald-melan...
20 hours ago — Unlike other officials, the then president and first lady did not receive their shots on TV.

Donald Trump, Melania Trump quietly got vaccine shots as ...www.bostonglobe.com › 2021/03/01 › nation › donald-tr...
1 day ago — Donald Trump privately received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine while still in office in January, aides familiar with the matter say,

Can a Trump voter give me one good reason he would get his covid vaccination in secret?

Yes I can. Trump thinks only of what is good for Trump.
Trump thinks only of Trump. Why that is not clear by now is beyond comprehension. But he know what appeals to many as noted in quote below.

"The president [Trump] is a nationalist, which is not at all the same thing as a patriot. A nationalist encourages us to be our worst, and then tells us that we are the best. A nationalist, 'although endlessly brooding on power, victory, defeat, revenge,' wrote Orwell, tends to be 'uninterested in what happens in the real world.' Nationalism is relativist, since the only truth is the resentment we feel when we contemplate others. As the novelist Danilo Kiš put it, nationalism 'has no universal values, aesthetic or ethical.' A patriot, by contrast, wants the nation to live up to its ideals, which means asking us to be our best selves. A patriot must be concerned with the real world, which is the only place where his country can be loved and sustained. A patriot has universal values, standards by which he judges his nation, always wishing it well—and wishing that it would do better." Timothy Snyder 'On Tyranny'

who do you think has more influence on dumbfuck trump stooges like you- trump or harris? besides, asshole, she said she would take any vaccine IF a medical expert advised it, but not because trump advised it, you fucking liar.

Harris did say that, the poster you seem to be being uncivil to is correct.
Not a Trump voter, but my guess is that he saw it as a sign of weakness. I also wonder WHY they got it, since according to news reports they had survived the infection months earlier. Did their immunity wane that quickly, or was it just extra caution?

The CDC advises to get the vaccine even if you had it.
That is really what this all comes do to.

Sadly Trump earned the distrust and hatred of the majority of Americans. I never really liked the man (and I still don't). But he was better than Hillary. Then the Dems gave us the Biden/Harris ticket and I had no choice but to vote for Trump a second time. People will talk about bad presidents for ever that is politics.
That's true.

Still, why wouldn't the Toadstools encourage their cult to get vaccinated, by showing how brave and smart they are by publicizing it as other political leaders have done?

I would imagine it has to do with how ex-presidents traditionally behave, even if he was anything but traditional, or he's an asshole, I say both.
Sadly Trump earned the distrust and hatred of the majority of Americans. I never really liked the man (and I still don't). But he was better than Hillary. Then the Dems gave us the Biden/Harris ticket and I had no choice but to vote for Trump a second time. People will talk about bad presidents for ever that is politics.

you have a strange rating system. but it is America. at least you are honest enough to admit what a terrible human being trump is, regardless of politics.
Did you get your shot yet? If so,
you've got Trump to thank you know....;)

for what? doing what every leader of almost every other country did to provide vaccine- use radical democrat socialist policies of government funding of universal health care? to not leave it up to the private sector? to choose winners and losers in the free marketplace, which repubs have always cried about? and still we were not the first country to develop and use vaccines, even with our huge economic advantage over other countries.

and, his policies of delivering vaccine to the states SUCKED....that is why it is so dramatically better now than an actual adult is in charge. ever read anything?
for what? doing what every leader of almost every other country did to provide vaccine- use radical democrat socialist policies of government funding of universal health care? to not leave it up to the private sector? to choose winners and losers in the free marketplace, which repubs have always cried about? and still we were not the first country to develop and use vaccines, even with our huge economic advantage over other countries.

and, his policies of delivering vaccine to the states SUCKED....that is why it is so dramatically better now than an actual adult is in charge. ever read anything?
Thank Trump:) Joe should be the first one to do so.....
Trump was pushing the Covid is a hoax at the time. He knew it was not. So he got the shot. Then he pushed the Corona is a hoax thing the next day. That is good enough for rightys.

A year ago, every single Conservative was repeating Trump's hoax lie.