Why Dixie is Wrong....Again....

Really Dixie, it's not neccessary for you to lie:

*Iraq Study Group Report:

“The insurgency comprises former elements of the Saddam Hussein regime, disaffected sunni Arab Iraqis, and common criminals. Al Qaeda is responsible for a small portion of the violence in Iraq, but that included some of the more spectacular attacks, large truck bombs, and attacks on significant religious or political targets. Al Qaeda in Iraq is now largely Iraqi-run and composed of sunni Arabs. Foreign fighters - numbering an estimated 1,300 - play a supporting role or carry out suicide missions.”


1,300 foreign fighters. That's a small minority of the insurgency.
Would you REALLY contend that the White House opened up its doors & arms to new ideas and a fresh, bipartisan approach prior to the election, Dix?

I never said this, where did you come up with that?

I'm glad you're on board with Baker, though. As I said before, the loudest voices on YOUR side (Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, et al.), are calling it a "surrender plan" and doing their very best to rally their listeners against it....

I don't really pay attention to what conservative pundits say. I know that is hard for you to believe, because that's what you think I do, and that's what you do on the liberal side, but honestly, I am a free thinker. I don't see Baker as a "surrender plan" at all, I see it as an objective evaluation of the problems, with legitimate and well-reasoned suggestions for how to solve them. I think it provides a good basis for debate and discussion in Congress, as to how we proceed in Iraq, and that is substantially better than what we had before. Do I think it's the Last Gospel on Iraq and should be cast in stone in its entirety? Nope, but I can go along with virtually everything in it, and I have very little reservations about anything, other than the level or extent of negotiation with Iran, I think the leader is a nut and we will ultimately have to deal with him militarily, if Israel doesn't do it first. That said, I am tickled to death the pinheads have finally gotten behind some kind of tangible plan for Iraq, other than "I HATE BUSH!"
1,300 foreign fighters. That's a small minority of the insurgency.

Well, that is an estimate of the number of alQaeda devoted to suicide missions, and I agree, it's a drop in the bucket to the total number of insurgents. It is, however, very significant, because just ONE suicide bomber can kill hundreds of innocent Iraqis and US soldiers.

One thing you seem to be confused about, alQaeda does not account for all the foreign fighters or involvement and support. The majority of the support for the insurgents, comes from Saddam loyalists, as well as outside influences of Sunni Muslims in Syria and Iran. These are not alQaeda terrorists, and are not included in Bakers estimate of 1,300.

Your argument before Baker, was the bulk of the insurgency was indigenous Iraqis who were pissed off at America for invading their country, with very little support from the outside. This is just not the truth in any respect, according to Baker. Sorry, you were totally wrong about that.
Dixie: Well, that is an estimate of the number of alQaeda devoted to suicide missions, and I agree, it's a drop in the bucket to the total number of insurgents.

Your Second lie in a row Dixie.

1,300 is the total number of estimated foreign fighters:

ISG Report: "Foreign fighters - numbering an estimated 1,300 - play a supporting role or carry out suicide missions."
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If most of the insurgentas are foreign fighters and there are only 1,500 of them then why have we not stopped them? Seems like we have 130K troops to their less than 3,000 by the figures, well the way dix figures it anyway ;)