Why do blacks hate asians ever more than they hate whites???


The media loves to churn out, "What we don't talk about when we talk about X" pieces. Those pieces are invariably talking about the things that the media talks about non-stop. Meanwhile, many of the things that it does talk about have notable omissions.

Anti-Asian hate crimes are constantly talked about, but not who's committing them.

Oakland’s Chinatown has suffered over 20 attacks against the elderly and women in two weeks.

The wave of attacks against Asian people in Oakland, like the previous attacks in New York, are being carried out by black men with criminal records, not by "white supremacists".

Chinatown community members have been accused of “anti-blackness” for talking about the violence they’re facing in a city and state that no longer believe in fighting crime.

The San Francisco Gate has run two op-eds, from both angles, while politicians fidgeted nervously about a no-win scenario. It's easier just to condemn racism without addressing the perpetrators in question.

And that's a rerun of the wave of antisemitic attacks in Brooklyn which were met the same way.

Meanwhile, the woke contingent keeps talking about the "trope" of black-Asian Conflict.

In this hilarious Brookings piece, two wokers try to blame Christian nationalism.

"Because some of the video-taped perpetrators appear to have been black, some observers immediately reduced anti-Asian violence to Black-Asian conflict. A recent poll finds that in fact, Christian nationalism is the strongest predictor of xenophobic views of COVID-19, and the effect of Christian nationalism is greater among white respondents, compared to black respondents. "

Except that the perpetrators of the attacks are still black. But look, we have a poll.

And then there's the viral video of a confrontation between a Nepalese Uber driver and three women over wearing masks. The driver blamed the encounter on anti-immigrant sentiment, even though one of the women who was arrested was Iranian and the other was black.

Incidents like these lead to a lot of "conversations" about prejudice while attributing it to Americans in general. The specifics of the incident are quickly transmuted into a national sin even when the perpetrators are black or Latino.

And they often are.

After sifting through thousands of hate crimes from across the country committed by thousands of criminals, the final breakdown is that of 6,406 known offenders, only 52% of the perpetrators were white, and around 24% were black.

The FBI measures Latinos as an ethnicity, not a race, so the white racial category of offenders also includes Latinos.

Asians couldn't even break the 1% barrier.

America's demographic distribution comes out to about 60% white, 12% black, 18% Hispanic, and 5% Asian leaving us with the inescapable reality that Asians are not doing their part.

Admitting the existence of black racism was tough before, but now in the era of 'white privilege' and cancel culture, it's impossible. It can't be dealt with, only dismissed as a trope.

The border crisis would be a bad thing for the Democrat politicians, correct?
It might have worked with the previous administration.
The MSM lying about the border crisis works in the Democratic Party, correct?
So basically whoever is/are doing this are working in their favor. No fake voters needed.


Police in San Francisco arrested a 19-year-old African-American male named Antoine Watson on suspicion of murder for an attack on an 84-year-old Asian man in the city’s Anza Vista neighborhood, according to Fox KTVU.

The victim was later identified as Thai-American Vicha Ratanapakdee.

Watson was booked on suspicion of murder, elder abuse, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Police also arrested 20-year-old Maylasia Goo on suspicion of being an accessory after the fact.

The city isn’t releasing mugshots anymore because the mugshots are disproportionately African-American.

According to Vicha’s GoFundMe page, “Eighty-four-year-old Vicha Ratanapakdee died at 3AM on Saturday, January 30, 2021 at S.F. General from injuries sustained while on his morning walk in the Anza Vista neighborhood of San Francisco. Originally from Thailand, he was a nearly blind, gentle person beloved by his family. He was violently taken from them by a despicable 19-year-old thug that came to his neighborhood in a stolen vehicle and decided to prove how tough he was by brutalizing a senior citizen. Our family has endured multiple verbal Anti-Asian attacks since the beginning of the pandemic, this time it was Fatal.”

Imagine if an Asian or Caucasian teenager brutally attacked an African-American senior citizen without cause? Can you imagine the hundreds of Asian stores being burned to the ground like 2020, the murals painted on the walls, the weeks of looting and destruction in the name of justice?

However, the victim was an 84-year-old Asian man and the assailant was African-American, which does not fit the narrative.

Therefore, there will be no national outrage, no murals painted on walls, no looting or pillaging of cities and neighborhoods.

Democrats are constantly telling blacks that their success is blocked by those who are successful, and they believe that lie. Asians work hard, respect their own families and value education and are therefore successful. So poor blacks blame Asians for their station in life.

You left out the most important factor in asian success versus black failure. Asians are intelligent and blacks aren't. Most blacks can't read and cannot be taught how to read.
We have to face the fact that diversity is not a strength. Mixing races and languages and cultures always leads to trouble. How can it be otherwise?

This was all explained decades ago in the theory of kin slection
Thomas Sowell. Clarence Thomas.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. If i said "one man is 7 feet tall, therefore all men are 7 feet tall" would you accept that argument??

Of course there are a few smart blacks but very few. On average blacks are way dumber than whites and the evidence is overwhelming.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Asians do very well in america despite being just a few percent of the population. Blacks try to blame white success on white privilege but they can't do that with asians. Asian success is yet more proof that black failure is due to black inferiority.

Why do trolls continue to eat their own sh!t like mangy and rabid fact free dogs?
It like when I worked in a union shop and the people who were too good at their jobs, those who got too much done, got the beat-downs under the charge "You are making everyone else look bad......knock it off"

Very common. My son in law went thru the same in Germany working as an auto mechanic. He got bullied and left his job but all is good now. He got an advanced certification as a meistermekaniker and gets referrals from the dolts that once bullied him that are stumped.

Asians do very well in america despite being just a few percent of the population. Blacks try to blame white success on white privilege but they can't do that with asians. Asian success is yet more proof that black failure is due to black inferiority.

Why do you generalize and speak such ridiculous nonsense all the time? Actually why do un American repukes hate all Americans at conspiring in the sewer with tRump and foreign enemies to incite insurrection against Democracy that was created for all as in all men are created equally under U.S. Constitutional law?