why do christians really wonder why they aren't liked?


Junior Member
its amazing that the persecuted 80% of christians feel they aren't liked, when they control the senate, the house, the presidency, the supreme court. but all this is not good enough for them.. Bush veto's one bill in 6 years and its on stem cells... who knew that the 20% could have such an effect on the 80%. not me...

now they are back on the waaaambulance about having displays in public.... if they allow this im going to start a church of cat killers and im going to want statues in everywhere in public... and the thing is that though if we were to have the koran on the town green or in the courthouse. do you have any idea how ripped christians would be?? it wouldn't even be funny

Today we continue our discussion on religious liberty, in particular the display of religious symbols in public institutions.

We have been examining the case of the high school in Bridgeport, West Virginia where the ACLU is facing off with the local school board to require the removal of a painting of Jesus.

thank god for the ACLU with regard to this... no one likes them but here i think they kick @ss

they halt progress, interfere in peoples bedrooms, and in their personal lives, they got their hands all over womans ovaries... i mean fer real... they want to control your life, they want to stop the pharmasist from filling your prescription

why do they wonder why they aren't liked now... they are helping to kill people faster they are helping altzimers forget more b/c we had bush veto the stem cell bill... its just nuts.

Christians wonder no more!
Christians have a right in the political process as much as anyone. You need to drop the hysterics and get a grip on reality.
Rob, it is part of the Christians religion, they need to feel persecuted.
whether they are or not.
How can the meek inherit the earth if they are the powerful ?
Christians have a right in the political process as much as anyone. You need to drop the hysterics and get a grip on reality.

Politics should be limited to security and providing roads, not taking my tax dollars and spending on people to go to therapy to try to make their marriage work.... its not my responsibility to keep them married.
he doesn't like christians or christian icons yet he "thanks god for the aclu" go figure.

If there are 80% of the people are christian and they control the government then they are in the majority. The majority rules. The other 20% have to deal with it. Not try to get it changed by going around the law and getting the courts to make laws. This is a case of the 20% trying to rule over the 80% by any means posible.
he doesn't like christians or christian icons yet he "thanks god for the aclu" go figure.

If there are 80% of the people are christian and they control the government then they are in the majority. The majority rules. The other 20% have to deal with it. Not try to get it changed by going around the law and getting the courts to make laws. This is a case of the 20% trying to rule over the 80% by any means posible.

Majority rule has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not something is unconstitutional. I would think someone posting on a political message board would understand this.
Have to have someone to offset the Christian minority as well Gaffer :)

Why is requesting God to bless something ok, but asking god to damn something bad ? Even if the requested blessing is for something bad, like god bless this bomb ?
I understand rob's plight. I understand that there are "so-called" Christians who currently hold prominent positions in our governmental make-up. Now if they would only act like it.

I don't feel persecuted at all. I know there is ridicule/jokes from the hollywood types and so-called comedians toward Christianity but that is not persecution. They'll use most anything to get a laugh. So what. I not being boild in a cauldron of oil or hung upside down on a cross or being stoned or anything like that. Most of the folks that rob is addressing have what uscitizen described as a "need to feel persecuted." They're not, but they feel it a noble cause to stand up for statues or monuments or whatever.

I do think society as a whole is rejecting Christianity and its message but that is the same as it was over 2000 years ago. No biggee. I'll just keep plugging on trying to do what I can and influence who I might as a Christian -by example, not by sword or by referendum or trying to pass laws or repeal them.

These battles over statues and monuments turn in to political battles that work out for the good of neither side. That's my two cents.
Majority rule has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not something is unconstitutional. I would think someone posting on a political message board would understand this.

I wasn't responding to the Constitution aspect of his post but the fact they he feels 20% have the right to tell the other 80% what they can and cannot do.
The courts job is to determine if a law falls under the guide lines established by the Constitution. Not make laws or redefine laws due to their particular partisan leanings. Too satisfy the will of the 20%.

The majority does rule. The Constitution can be changed by a majority. Its called amending. When a person runs for office he's elected by the majority of voters.

Unfortunately the 20% keep trying to usurp this process and impose their will on everyone else.
Have to have someone to offset the Christian minority as well Gaffer :)

Why is requesting God to bless something ok, but asking god to damn something bad ? Even if the requested blessing is for something bad, like god bless this bomb ?

He was thanking god. And from someone like him I found that interesting. Probably a common espression he uses often without thinking about it.

I too want to see the christian minority offset. But the ones that are offsetting them are even more hateful then they are.
-If there are 80% of the people are christian and they control the government then they are in the majority. The majority rules. The other 20% have to deal with it.

LOL: Dude, the Senate and the White House are constitutionally set up to NOT represent the majority. The electoral college, and the two-senators per state purposely over-represents small, rural states in those institutions.

The House does not represent the majority of Americans nationwide. It represent 450 individual districts. Mathematically, it’s NOT necessary for a majority of Americans nationwide to vote for GOP representatives, in order to get a GOP-controlled congress. Its basic arithmetic dude.

you appear to need some remedial high school civics classes.

-When a person runs for office he's elected by the majority of voters.


1) Two words: Al Gore

2) The plurality, not the majority, elects local and congressional leaders. We don’t have run-off voting.
-If there are 80% of the people are christian and they control the government then they are in the majority. The majority rules. The other 20% have to deal with it.

LOL: Dude, the Senate and the White House are constitutionally set up to NOT represent the majority. The electoral college, and the two-senators per state purposely over-represents small, rural states in those institutions.

The House does not represent the majority of Americans nationwide. It represent 450 individual districts. Mathematically, it’s NOT necessary for a majority of Americans nationwide to vote for GOP representatives, in order to get a GOP-controlled congress. Its basic arithmetic dude.

you appear to need some remedial high school civics classes.

-When a person runs for office he's elected by the majority of voters.


1) Two words: Al Gore

2) The plurality, not the majority, elects local and congressional leaders. We don’t have run-off voting.

For example, in the last three elections cycles (in which all 100 senate seats have gone through elections), the number of people who voted for Democratic senators exceeded the number of people who voted for republican senators, by over two million votes.

Yet, we have 55 GOP senate seats, and 44 Dem senate seats.

Take some remedial civics dude. Its not based on "the majority"
He was thanking god. And from someone like him I found that interesting. Probably a common espression he uses often without thinking about it.

I too want to see the christian minority offset. But the ones that are offsetting them are even more hateful then they are.

Sort of like Iraq and allying oneslf with the enemy of my enemy ? I wish we were all smart enough to get along and quit the fussing and make real progress.

I don't care much for the ACLU or the Christian right, but if we have one we need a balance factor , however imperfect they may be.
he doesn't like christians or christian icons yet he "thanks god for the aclu" go figure.

If there are 80% of the people are christian and they control the government then they are in the majority. The majority rules. The other 20% have to deal with it. Not try to get it changed by going around the law and getting the courts to make laws. This is a case of the 20% trying to rule over the 80% by any means posible.

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American Christian Persecution Syndrome is a serious problem. If they aren't getting their own way then it is obvious that they are being persecuted.