Why Do Colorado Cons Insist On Lying About Unions?

True... I should have said "legally". However, this is a sure way to get you sued and lose. Employers do not, unless they are stupid, fire people for trying to unionize.
No, I think you're wrong on this point. Many employers do indeed fire and/or harass workers who attempt to unionize.
No, I think you're wrong on this point. Many employers do indeed fire and/or harass workers who attempt to unionize.
And I believe that you are wrong. But heck, I'll ask my FIL. He's a labor attorney and will likely know such details. I will get back to you and if you are right well, I'll certainly admit it.

My only information comes from the laws themselves and my experience fighting a sluggish and corrupt union from sucking my work area into its ever increasing maw, so I'll admit you may be right. But they would truly be stupid to do so, there can be, and have been, serious consequences for attempting to take such actions.
True... I should have said "legally". However, this is a sure way to get you sued and lose. Employers do not, unless they are stupid, fire people for trying to unionize.

Perhaps not , but the do close and move plants and such over it.
Pretty much the same end result.
And I believe that you are wrong. But heck, I'll ask my FIL. He's a labor attorney and will likely know such details. I will get back to you and if you are right well, I'll certainly admit it.

My only information comes from the laws themselves and my experience fighting a sluggish and corrupt union from sucking my work area into its ever increasing maw, so I'll admit you may be right. But they would truly be stupid to do so, there can be, and have been, serious consequences for attempting to take such actions.

The consequences aren't really all that harsh. At all. From an economic perspective a company would most time be well-advised to fire union organizers in an attempt to scuttle an organization drive. The only consequences are awarding back pay to the fired employee and possibly front pay, which would be offset by any earnings the employee made in the time between the firing and the conclusion of the case, which could take years. And that's only if the employee pursues it.

Comparing that to the prospect of dealing with a union, many companies choose the former.
Watermark said...
"Are you talking to ME? Do you even understand what's going on? Go take your meds and fall back to sleep, old fart."

Please, oh please tell me what you think is GOING ON. I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation.
I dont take meds, I lift weights and swim a couple of miles every other day, how bout you?

"Apparently he wasn't targetting me. It was a beyond immature post. Crash is a dumbass."
Unless there is more than one Watermark here I was addressing you.
Consider my finger in your face...
...I don't know your situation, whether you work or go to school or live off your daddy's money but one thing is obvious, you dont know a damn thing about the history of labor.

"The IWW is literally a communist organization, Crash."
Communism is dead, quit trying to beat a dead horse.
If business can organize globally, why cant labor? Please explain why people from all walks of life and political backgrounds should not be allowed to organize to protect their rights in the workplace...globally.

notice I didnt insult you once, I didnt use the words dumbass, stupid, immature, ignorant or uneducated even once.
Crash said:
Please, oh please tell me what you think is GOING ON. I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation.
I dont take meds, I lift weights and swim a couple of miles every other day, how bout you?

I went to Wikipedia. The article on Union busting was novel length - and read like a novel. It wasn't encyclopedic at all. I saw that one guy had pretty much written the entire thing from one or two sources, and that he was affiliated with the IWW - which is literally a communist organization. I just thought it was funny that Wikipedia was ACTUALLY infilitrated by communists (notice the irony. In that statement, I'm making fun of people who say that everything is infilitrated by communists).

Crash said:
Unless there is more than one Watermark here I was addressing you.

You're response didn't make sense as a response to my post. If I would've said "UNIONS ARE DESTROYING THE WORLD", or something like that, maybe.

Crash said:
Consider my finger in your face...


Crash said:
...I don't know your situation, whether you work or go to school or live off your daddy's money but one thing is obvious, you dont know a damn thing about the history of labor.

Not true.

Crash the commie said:
If business can organize globally, why cant labor?

If one single business ran all of the worlds trade, I'd be worried. Same thing with one single labour union. The IWW has NUMEROUS communist affiliations. Their website is decked out in red and praises Marx. How am I supposed to think that the wobblies aren't communists?