The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.
He does come off as rational and intelligent.
You, not so much...
The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.
Odd, law was the recommended undergrad major for every lawyer I know.
there was no such thing as a "law" undergrad....there may now be a "pre law" undergrad degree....there wasn't then......
You are mentally ill.
The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The MAGA trolls and similar ilk can't help themselves....he'll try to come off as rational and intelligent, but eventually his own BS trips him up, and he just bluffs and blusters.
I know right? That Biden is a freaking moron. Claimed to have graduated at the top of his law school class but was 75th out of 80 or something very close to that. Talk about bluster, Brandon has a PhD(poor hopeless dope) in that
5. Walmart Greeter
4. Dishwasher at Denny's
3. Gardener
2. Barista
1. History Teacher
In most cases, a BA in liberal arts will NOT qualify one for STEM or Business related graduate courses.... You certainly can NOT use a BA in history to get into a masters of mechanical engineering program.
People who work with me address me a "Doctor."
Almost all of them didn't go because they were academically qualified geniuses either. They went because they had the money and connections to get in, do shitty in terms of academics usually taking some lop, loser, easy liberal arts degree, and graduate.
It started in earnest with the Carter administration. There is no reason whatsoever that the federal government needed to be involved in education. It isn't a federal issue. Ever since that point, education in the US has been in decline while growing grotesquely more expensive. There's a smattering of idiocy by the federal government prior to that, but it was formalizing a cabinet level post and department that really got education rolling downhill towards utter and complete mediocrity.
Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. did not have a lot of money or connections. They went because they worked hard... Thought honestly Biden did not work hard enough to go to an Ivy League. Meanwhile, trump needed every bit of money and family connection he had just to go undergraduate. There was not enough money and connections in the world to get him into a graduate program.
Biden got lucky. He was elected initially on a fluke, then used his incumbency to stay in office. As a student he was unexceptional, a cheat, and could be characterized as marginal at best. Biden didn't go to an Ivy league school because he lacked the connections through family others had, and he was too fucking stupid to get in on his academic record.
Obama, didn't work hard, he barely worked at all. What he had going for him was crazy charisma that charmed those listening to him. As a student Obama was quite successful. As a producer of anything useful, he was a total failure. His biggest success--and I can't fault him for it, because it's what he did best--was getting elected, repeatedly.
Clinton was, likewise quite smart. He knew how to talk up a situation and was about as slimy an eel as they come. Of the three, he was easily the best at switching positions and directions to maintain success.
Obama couldn't manage that. Once he lost Congress, he was worthless as a leader outside of rabble rousing with a speech. Biden, on the other hand, stayed under the radar so-to-speak for decades in the senate where he was well known as a mostly harmless idiot.
Trump appears to be the usual money buys your way into college and you graduate eventually guy, like George Bush, John McCain, Al Gore, and a plethora of other politicians with family connections got. Trump, like other business types, didn't bother with graduate work simply because it was unnecessary and would distract from making money. Look at the tech leaders of our time. Virtually all of them got a Batchelor's in something and that was that.
On the other hand, Biden, Obama, and Clinton all got simple liberal arts degrees as undergraduates then went to liar---err, law school and became liars-- err, lawyers, another simple liberal arts degree. That was their--and the usual--route into politics. None of the three ever practiced law as a profession successfully.
Why are Nazi democrats such fucking liars?
No conservative "bashes" education - you're just lying - as you always do.
All you do is whine. And, my god, nobody believes your lie about having an MA in history.
His post was certainly not about history but far-right views. I saw a CSPAN long interview with Biden a few years ago. He is a lot more knowledgeable than almost any other politician. Experience provides a lot of info and you learn how to get things done. Trump lacked not only that knowledge but was also very poor and handling professionals in their fields. He had by far the worst turnover of any president. Biden is an adult in the office. Trump is still a child. petty, vindictive, and accepting of no rules.
Calling people Nazi's is stupid- So why do you do it?
We are all forum friends here, but we should not be calling our friends Nazi's!
Nazi's are White Supremacists!
And just because White Supremacists vote with the Republicans- DOES NOT MEAN REPUBLICANS ARE ALL NAZI'S EITHER.
Can we please tone this demonization of our political adversaries down please! EVERYONE!
If you insist on insulting your forum friends- insult them accurately PLEASE!
And Thank You in advance!
there was no such thing as a "law" undergrad....there may now be a "pre law" undergrad degree....there wasn't then......
I only call you Nazis "Nazis."
Not anymore - y'all hold whites as "Der Juden."
The Nazi to English dictionary defines "white supremacist" as "any person with white skin color."
democrats are Nazis - and water is wet.
You know those Nuremburg Laws that Hitler had? Yeah, he lifted them from you democrats.
democrats were Nazis before Hitler was.