Why do conservatives think they have no political biases?

I read the mainstream media almost exclusively and never see anything that declares other opinions as heresy. It does declare some of the "facts" of the right as not factual (election fraud). I hear criticisms of the MSM that they aren't "covering that story"; yet, I read all about that story in the MSM. My friends who say it is not being covered also claim they never read it.

They generally don't come out and say it, but a few recent examples might include: Anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, alternative medications for COVID, Trump- Russia collusion. There's more, but those kind of give you the idea. All are hysterical shout downs of those opposed to certain ideas or things. On Gorebal Warming, the Left will tell you The debate is over! There's consensus. Neither is true, but they won't bunk any opposition.

The MSM for the most part parrots a narrow selection of news items and will usually studiously ignore others that don't fit their narrative. In the last week or so, with regards to mass shootings, if you watched CNN or MSNBC, all you'd get is the Buffalo shooting. Doesn't matter that like half-a-dozen other ones took place--mostly Black on Black. Those are ignored other than maybe the briefest mention right after it happened. Beyond that, they disappear.
False. You are a perfect example.


That's bullshit on both accounts. I could care less about Trump, and a few thousand people at a riot hardly are representative of everyone to the Right of Center.
That's bullshit on both accounts. I could care less about Trump, and a few thousand people at a riot hardly are representative of everyone to the Right of Center.

Yes you do care about Trump because you constantly defend him and his supporters. Don't be ashamed to be a Trumper.

And yes they are a representative of MAGAtards all over America. Wake up.
How is that ad hominem? It's clear that you are a Trump supporter. You are not fooling anyone.


Regardless of whether I am or not--and I'm not-- by resorting to calling me one rather then respond to my points you are using ad hominem. Respond to the man. That's what ad hominem means. You are attacking me, not my argument.

Regardless of whether I am or not--and I'm not-- by resorting to calling me one rather then respond to my points you are using ad hominem. Respond to the man. That's what ad hominem means. You are attacking me, not my argument.

You.... constantly.... defend.... Trump.... and.... his.... supporters.

That makes Y O U a Trump supporter. There is no other way about it.
You.... constantly.... defend.... Trump.... and.... his.... supporters.

That makes Y O U a Trump supporter. There is no other way about it.

No it doesn't, it doesn't matter, and it still remains IRRELEVANT to the discussion. That makes what you are saying ad hominem.
No it doesn't, it doesn't matter, and it still remains IRRELEVANT to the discussion. That makes what you are saying ad hominem.

Nope. It is not ad hominem. It's an observation.

If you bring up negative things about Biden and I jump in to defend him even if I am wrong, what does that make me?