Why do liberals always protect perverts

From the link:

“Liberals at their core have no sense of true north. They can't determine right from wrong, good from evil, and in this case even help from hurt. Worse yet - they don't care. The hardness of their hearts towards the victim is not only apparent in their actions, but the mockery of their words adds insult to injury.

Hence why Geraldo Rivera would defend the concealing of an illegal alien's identity from the feds - even though he had been indicted on 31 counts of child rape, before executing three college kids in Newark this summer.”

Geraldo is a creep.
Bob, who else but, an extreme right wing disinformation site would publish something this absurd????? The reason that they publish this type of ridiculous garbage , is because there are no shortage of intellectual invalids like yourself that believe this type of off the wall tripe.

No they publish the truth I have seen it myself . You guys love perverts child molester etc.

Bob, who else but, an extreme right wing disinformation site would publish something this absurd????? The reason that they publish this type of ridiculous garbage , is because there are no shortage of intellectual invalids like yourself that believe this type of off the wall tripe.

Its a rightwing kook site

Townhall.com features commentary by various conservative columnists and guest commentary by politicians. Guest contributors have included Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Lara Trump. :palm: