Peter Vallone Jr. had been receiving complaints in his Queens district office for a number of weeks about a pervert who had been ordering a bagel and coffee every morning and then parking himself directly under the train platform vent for the N-line subway.
This particular perv had a thing for looking up women's skirts and he found it amusing to calmly eat his breakfast while stretching his neck to peep.
Vallone's own staffers even complained as the place the man like to do his viewing from was literally steps from the councilman's front door.
Vallone began to research the matter and discovered that the man was breaking no known law in New York.
Incredulous at this dismaying fact, the councilman drafted a resolution that would punish such behavior. As the failing New York Times put it: "The bill would make it illegal to look at a person’s “sexual or other intimate parts, in other than a casual or cursory manner, for the purpose of entertainment, sexual arousal or gratification, or for the purpose of degrading or abusing the person being viewed."
Pretty straightforward right?
Not according to liberals.
The New York Civil Liberties Union (directly associated with the ACLU) issued a statement calling the proposed legislation "creepy lawmaking."