"No, but it does mean that they know what they are doing is wrong, otherwise they would not fear getting caught."
You're flat out incorrect. There is a difference between knowing that society CONSIDERS something wrong and actually BELIEVING an action to be WRONG.
"By what subjective standard is that "not wrong"?"
It's not wrong or right.. because there is NO real framework.
I am not refusing to play damo, there is nothing TO play. You keep talking about society, but society doesn't mean ANYTHING.
There is no objective morality. It's not real.
You're flat out incorrect. There is a difference between knowing that society CONSIDERS something wrong and actually BELIEVING an action to be WRONG.
"By what subjective standard is that "not wrong"?"
It's not wrong or right.. because there is NO real framework.
I am not refusing to play damo, there is nothing TO play. You keep talking about society, but society doesn't mean ANYTHING.
There is no objective morality. It's not real.