Why do liberals insist on subjective morality being laws?

That would be the removal of legislation to create a situation in which there is a vacuum of legislation. Such a thing is amoral.

If you legislate for a vacuum of legislation, you are still legislating your morality that there should be no legislation.

Libertarians are as much social engineers as any other...

You cannot go against nature
becuase when you do
go against nature
that's part of nature too.
The point of this thread is that Liberals always ask that of Conservatives, they were making a point using sarcasm... Not reading the thread makes people take this one too seriously.
Considering the fact that Grind has asked that very question a number of times in contexts that were clearly *not* intended to be humorous, I think yer bein' too generous there.

Besides, the real issue is whether certain questions have any moral significance at all. Sexual behavior isn't generally a moral issue to most liberals, for example.
Considering the fact that Grind has asked that very question a number of times in contexts that were clearly *not* intended to be humorous, I think yer bein' too generous there.

Besides, the real issue is whether certain questions have any moral significance at all. Sexual behavior isn't generally a moral issue to most liberals, for example.
Nah, I actually read the thread. A few posts in Grind makes it clear he understands that the Right does this openly and regularly. I'm not being generous, just pointing out that actually reading the thread might give it a different flavor.

Either way, morality is always subjective and one group is likely to anger another by using it.
Umm which group is the biggest supporter of lock your ass up and sieze your property for POT laws ?
Let's see... Four decades in power legislating and they didn't change this law? Methinks somebody needs to redefine their understanding of their party.
My thread wasn't intended to be a joke.. or sarcastic... It was a pointed question at liberals... mostly because it's an established and accepted fact in our society that conservatives do this everyday. Liberals manage to get off the hook though.

Liberals bitching about conservatives inacting legislation based on morality is hypocritcal. Furthoremore, they deserve whatever they get because they allow such subjectivity to exist within our government in the first place. Take most of that subjectivity out and you wont have to worry about the other side shafting you.
Let's see... Four decades in power legislating and they didn't change this law? Methinks somebody needs to redefine their understanding of their party.
a diverging angle there Damo ? I did not say the demoncrats do not suck on the issue either, just that the rebutlikens suck more on the issue of legalizing pot.
a diverging angle there Damo ? I did not say the demoncrats do not suck on the issue either, just that the rebutlikens suck more on the issue of legalizing pot.
There is no "suck more" when the issue is that a law does not get changed. Can you understand where I am coming from here. Voting Dems in won't change this, voting Rs in won't change this. Saying "you suck more" when the exact same result is evident is just blowing hot air.
Not getting disenwhatever. took you a few to think of that ;)
Anyway, my origional point is the both sides suck, but the rebutlikens are more outspoken against pot use and for harsher penalties than the demoncrats.
i'm on the fence.

i have yet to fully conclude if protecting individual rights is a universal and objective imperative.

But think about it... I AM on the fence...

Define 'individual rights'... This is a subjective term.

Ad again, even if you arrive at a definition of ''individual rights', you are then still legislating morality. All morality is subjective.

By enforcing any individual rights or any rights at all you are legislating subjective morality.

If you oppose legislating subjective morality, then you desire a return to anarchistic natural freedoms, something social living is unconducive with...
Liberals bitching about conservatives inacting legislation based on morality is hypocritcal.

You are missing the point, Grind.

All groups do legislate subjective morality by the definition of legislation and morality.

The issues liberals have is not that subjective morality is dictated by conservatives, the issues are merely a debate on the extent to which what particular moral issues are legislated.
Not getting disenwhatever. took you a few to think of that ;)
Anyway, my origional point is the both sides suck, but the rebutlikens are more outspoken against pot use and for harsher penalties than the demoncrats.
I'll be voting to legalize it here in CO. There have been groups that even checked with the Feds and found that their threshold to prosecute is 100 plants or the equivalent, nobody with an ounce or less will get prosecuted here any longer! Too bad I don't use anymore.
Liberals bitching about conservatives inacting legislation based on morality is hypocritcal.

You are missing the point, Grind.

All groups do legislate subjective morality by the definition of legislation and morality.

The issues liberals have is not that subjective morality is dictated by conservatives, the issues are merely a debate on the extent to which what particular moral issues are legislated.
I can agree with Grind to the extent that "you're legislating morality" is now and always was a stupid slogan. What we should have said was "you're legislating idiotic, nonsensical mores that no intelligent person gives a shit about" but that lacks a certain . . . je ne se qua.
I'll be voting to legalize it here in CO. There have been groups that even checked with the Feds and found that their threshold to prosecute is 100 plants or the equivalent, nobody with an ounce or less will get prosecuted here any longer! Too bad I don't use anymore.

good for you Damo. Btw I sort of categorize you as a thinking conservative, not a blind lockstep republican. Our country needs many more like you.
good for you Damo. Btw I sort of categorize you as a thinking conservative, not a blind lockstep republican. Our country needs many more like you.
I am a far more libertarian republican than most groups in my area want around. I really strongly believe in personal responsibility and rights and limitation of government on almost every level.
I am a far more libertarian republican than most groups in my area want around. I really strongly believe in personal responsibility and rights and limitation of government on almost every level.

I pretty much agree with that, although I think you would cut off more programs and such than I would. I am left leaning center with a dash of libretarian.
I would too, but not as much as you, and or in different areas. But we are agreed that current govt is wasteful, corrupted , and too big I think.