Hello Evmetro,
Yes, rubbing it in is very shallow. I do enjoy it though, and I do realize my pleasure is at the expense of lefties.
I have also been known to enjoy watching train horn pranks on youtube, where people drive around town blasting locamotive horns at people and recording their startled reactions.
That is also shallow. Some people have hearing difficulties such as tinnitus. People afflicted with this condition experience a constant ringing in their ears which never goes completely away, but does subside in time. Hearing a very loud sound starts it up again, and it may take DAYS for them to recover and get back to normal lower levels of ringing. It is extremely inconsiderate to cause loud sounds in public where unsuspecting strangers will be subjected to that. Deriving pleasure from this is sick. It is comparable to leaving roofing nails on a public sidewalk and then taking delight in the pain of people who step on them.
Did I mention that Trump kicked Hillary's ass, 306 to 232?
Yes. I have actually known that since November 8th, 2016, just as nearly everyone else does. Much has happened since then. We've moved on. You seem to be stuck on that day. Tell me. Was their someone who constantly reminded you that Obama won two elections? Did you find that annoying? Why would you aspire to be similarly annoying? Didn't you tell yourself at the time that it was lefties doing that to you? Did you admire them for doing that? Or did you think they were not being good people for doing that.
Well, if you didn't think they were doing the right thing then why do you think you should be doing it now?
Because they did it, so that makes it OK?
Well if it was OK when they did it, then why did you find it annoying?
Or maybe it wasn't really OK, when they did it.
You knew it was not right. It was the wrong thing to do.
So if somebody does something wrong, how does that make it OK for somebody else to do wrong?
Do you think two wrongs make a right?
You heard about the Chinese man, Mr. Wong, whose wife gave birth to a caucasian baby? He suspected his wife of infidelity. He correctly stated: "Two Wongs don't make a white."