Why do people obsess over abortion?

This is silly. To a person who thinks that a fetus is a baby this is the same as being against someone killing 2 year old children on a reg. Nobody would support that. So, the idea that progeny is human life regardless of stage of development doesn't come solely from Magic Cloudwalking Old Men With Smelly Sandals. Those folks that believe you are killing the most innocent children you could possibly find with an incredibly weak and scientifically ignorant argument of those lives not being a separate life or even "human" yet, those folks are against abortion regardless of what religion they are.

Yup. And beyond that, fine if they believe that stuff. Practice it and live your life that way. NO one is making you have an abortion.

But do not demand others live to your Scientology or Muslim or Christian or other religion.

Remember God said 'judge not lest ye be judged...', so if you listen to him, you leave those you believe are sinning alone and let God judge them.
Yup. And beyond that, fine if they believe that stuff. Practice it and live your life that way. NO one is making you have an abortion.

But do not demand others live to your Scientology or Muslim or Christian or other religion.

Remember God said 'judge not lest ye be judged...', so if you listen to him, you leave those you believe are sinning alone and let God judge them.

You cannot argue with the beliefs of anti-abortion people. They also believe Trump won the election.
no religious scholar believes that.....no intelligent person believes it.....again you say it cannot be denied.......I, like Peter, have denied you three times.......I do not seek your forgiveness because I have proved you false........you will not build your church upon my rock.......fuck off, troll.....

One single story you never heard of where God wipes out every innocent man, woman child, animal and insects that did not get on the Arc.

.Noah is Instructed to Build an Ark: Genesis 6
Noah is warned of the flood and given directions for building the ark Verses 12-21 ~ God told Noah his purpose to destroy the wicked world by water. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, Ps. 25:14. It is with all believers, enabling them to understand and apply the declarations and warnings of the written word. God chose to do it by a flood of waters, which should drown the world.

So once again due to your stupidity you are unaware of this story and many like it where God goes on blood thirsty mass killing sprees punishing the perceived guilty and innocent alike.

So no one cares about your denials. That is like Marjorie Greene denying basic science because she is so stupid she does not know it.
obviously false......he saved all four of the innocent.......

What sin did the newly baptised baby commit that made them deserve the fate of being drown and killed?

What sin did the animals and insects commit?

Show me you understand the bible and explain that.
What sin did the newly baptised baby commit that made them deserve the fate of being drown and killed?

What sin did the animals and insects commit?

Show me you understand the bible and explain that.

This has already been explained to you so you're either unwilling or incapable of understanding. I'll let you decide. I know my choice.
Yup. And beyond that, fine if they believe that stuff. Practice it and live your life that way. NO one is making you have an abortion.

But do not demand others live to your Scientology or Muslim or Christian or other religion.

Remember God said 'judge not lest ye be judged...', so if you listen to him, you leave those you believe are sinning alone and let God judge them.

lest ye be judged "in kind" (also no need to write it in Ye Olde English, it doesn't make it holier, and makes way too many people misunderstand the simplest of concepts expressed) "Do not judge others or you will be judged the same way and by the same measure." (paraphrasing here), that's what it says... I don't think those folks would have a difficult time knowing they'd be judged against that measure in this particular case.

the actual verse Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV) said:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Thanks for showing once again how incredibly stupid you are.

Do you know what the word 'abort' means in abortion? it speaks to, in any way the causing of the loss of the fetus or unborn child.

So you read the first one saying 'God will punish...by destroying the unborn children, who will die at birth, or perish in the womb...' and saying that is not 'abortion' again speaks to the depths of your stupidity.

Natural causes have nothing to do with a mother killing her child
The bible is great at being crystal clear on the things they think bad and that humans should never do. You can check the 10 Commandments as a starting list.

Despite that, no where, in the bible do they speak to abortion as being wrong to do. NO WHERE.

Is that just a big 'OOPS, we forgot that one'? Or does God just not GAF about aborting babies? Why this silence?

Considering all the examples of God calling for the aborting of babies, and the lack of silence in that direction, it is crystal clear that God is pro choice. But beyond being pro choice, he also supports, in many instances forcing abortion on women who want to keep their unborn children.

So in your view it is okay for a mother to kill her child. What did the child in the womb do to deserve capital punishment
Rightys can relax. The left will not force anyone to get an abortion.
This is intentional EVASION on your part. Leftists want to be able to freely kill living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die just to make someone else's life more convenient. Imagine, living humans who did not commit any crime nonetheless get no trial, no 4th Amendment protections, nothing ... just summy executions because some other person decided that life would be more convenient by their death. One moment there's a living human with a pulse, then someone else declares that living human's life an inconvenience, i.e. hands down the summary death sentence, and the next moment, dead human.

It does not matter that leftists will not force anyone to kill any living humans to make their own lives more convenient, the mere fact that leftists want to be able to freely kill living humans is abhorrent.

You keep EVADING my other question as well, which is which living humans do you most enjoy killing? Canadians? Jamaicans? Mexicans? who?
What sin did the newly baptised baby commit that made them deserve the fate of being drown and killed?

What sin did the animals and insects commit?

Show me you understand the bible and explain that.

I don't even know what sins you have committed, let alone those folks from thousands of years ago........but God does.....
lest ye be judged "in kind" (also no need to write it in Ye Olde English, it doesn't make it holier, and makes way too many people misunderstand the simplest of concepts expressed) "Do not judge others or you will be judged the same way and by the same measure." (paraphrasing here), that's what it says... I don't think those folks would have a difficult time knowing they'd be judged against that measure in this particular case.

And explain how that works then when you have a Muslim, a Jew, A Christian and a Scientologist who all judge you and impose their religious view, not just on themselves but on you?

Is it simply the one with the biggest army who gets to be moral cop? 'Might makes right'?

If a Muslim couple believes in certain "modest' dress, why is it not enough then that they practice it? Why would you support them, if they had enough power, telling you, that you have to live that way too? If the Muslims believe God will punish you for it, because it is sinful, then why not let god do it, instead of taking the position you seem to be advocating that 'we will judge for god as long as we are willing to be held to the same standard'?
Natural causes have nothing to do with a mother killing her child
Good thing we are not just talking about "natural causes though. Do we need more examples of god commanding other people to kill the fetus developing in the womb of the mothers?

So in your view it is okay for a mother to kill her child. What did the child in the womb do to deserve capital punishment
Well God clearly does, so you need to ask God why he not only supports capital punishment but also commands others to do it.
I don't even know what sins you have committed, let alone those folks from thousands of years ago........but God does.....

You clearly do not know much including that newly born baby, baptised, has no sin. And because you do not know that, does not mean god does not. Donn't put your ignorance on him.

So back to the question... 'why does god slaughter sinless babies'?
You clearly do not know much including that newly born baby, baptised, has no sin.

neither does the unborn child......you supported the killing of over 60,000,000 of them......don't presume to preach to me, progressive.....and if you want to argue with God over his decision to do so, perhaps one day you'll meet him face to face and ask him.......in fact, I expect it.....