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Funny. I don't recall the "Question that Makes Cowards Out of Leftists" thread on here to be about religion of any sort.........
Please comment on topic of the thread.
Funny. I don't recall the "Question that Makes Cowards Out of Leftists" thread on here to be about religion of any sort.........
Because the living human that is being killed has not committed any crime nor has he/she expressed any desire to die.Why is it immoral to have an abortion?
Well it's a fact that Chicago is more dangerous today than any day in the "wild" west. You don't like it? I don't give a fuck.
Because the living human that is being killed has not committed any crime nor has he/she expressed any desire to die.
The killing of a living human outside of those bounds is generally referred to as 'murder' or 'homicide'.
Chicago's ass- Idiot!
It's a clear and demonstrable fact that a black person is more likely to be killed by another black person than by either a white person or a cop. In 2021 there were 797 homicides in Chicago, the highest in 25 yrs. Again, you don't like it? Waaaaaaa
Not the point.I see. So no conservative in the US cares about abortion.
Now you wish to change the subject because I showed you why your conclusion within your question wasn't "all encapsulating".
Listen up hater, I do not listen to your hatred!
Your hatefulness don't have any effect on my thinking.
I already did, and I did so here as well. Obsession over abortion isn't about Christianity, no matter how much you want it to be so because you wish to demonize Christians because you are extremely "inclusive" and fervently support "diversity".Please comment on topic of the thread.
I already did, and I did so here as well. Obsession over abortion isn't about Christianity, no matter how much you want it to be so because you wish to demonize Christians because you are extremely "inclusive" and fervently support "diversity".
What US law?Your opinion is negated by US law.
You think your hatefulness and evil alters my thinking? On the contrary it only reinforces what I know to be true
Dig in! Circle your wagons- if you have any left! Keep running your mouth!
That only recruits more Democrats!
And thanks!![]()
I'm not running my mouth it's quite clear leftists are some of the most evil hate filled and intolerant people on the planet. You only care about black people if you can use them to advance your agenda. Even that imbecile you elected thinks they aren't black if they dont support him. I know you don't like to hear it, I wouldn't either if I was you, but it's all true. Stuff matters to you ONLY when it advances your agenda.
The "wild" had fewer murders than a weekend in Chicago
Abortion is as old as civilization. There have been all kinds of ways to abort throughout history. If you do not believe in abortion, do not have one. Nobody is forcing you to accept that belief. evidence of,diving were a common technique.
Because the living human that is being killed has not committed any crime nor has he/she expressed any desire to die.
The killing of a living human outside of those bounds is generally referred to as 'murder' or 'homicide'.
I already did, and I did so here as well. Obsession over abortion isn't about Christianity, no matter how much you want it to be so because you wish to demonize Christians because you are extremely "inclusive" and fervently support "diversity".
I'm not running my mouth it's quite clear leftists are some of the most evil hate filled and intolerant people on the planet. You only care about black people if you can use them to advance your agenda. Even that imbecile you elected thinks they aren't black if they dont support him. I know you don't like to hear it, I wouldn't either if I was you, but it's all true. Stuff matters to you ONLY when it advances your agenda.