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I am stating facts
It most certainly is not a fact.
I am stating facts
You as always show your ignorance
The Catholic Church is the main purveyor of antiabortion ideology. The Church that allows priests to systematically rape children.
It most certainly is not a fact.
Killing animals is not killing animals?
As always you have to go off topic to ignore the facts
The Ten Commanments refers to Humans not animals. As always you show your ignorance
Killing animals is not killing animals?
.Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The chronology of the posts shows YOU to introduce "race" into your exchange with Geeko. You did this because you logically cannot support your position
I can support my position quite easily. When you attack the poster, that's me, that's how we know you lost the debate.
Is it because God created a soul to enter the world and abortion is defiance of God?
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Sort of but there is also this:
And GOD.
It cannot even be questioned that GOD is not only pro abortion, but very aggressively so, even for relatively minor issues, if you read the bible.
We can quote numerous instructions where God demands the abortion of a fetus/baby for a large number of reasons, and sometimes the mass numbers of abortions.
People who cite the Bible as their scripture are at odds with their God's will and basically telling him he is wrong.
dude, you have a penis in your ear and obviously have never read the bible.....
Do you consider the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has never expressed any desire to die, a wholly religious issue?It seems to be wholly a religious issue.
Do you consider the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has never expressed any desire to die, a wholly religious issue?
On topic. I started the thread you dipshit.
No you went off topic from the OP
Where does Jesus say killing only matters when it is a human?
Animals can't read