Why do people think America needs making great again?

Before Trump (or somebody) thought up MAGA, I don't recall a lot of people going around saying: “Gee, I wish America was still great!"

There are problems with globalization and widening disparities of wealth, but America still has one of the highest GDPs per capita of any country - comfortably clear of Germany and Japan, and several times better off than Russia. In military terms it's stronger than all the rest put together. And even after two years of Trump, America is universally regarded as one of the freest countries on earth (unless you get shot, I guess).

So how is he planning to make it great again?
Before Trump (or somebody) thought up MAGA, I don't recall a lot of people going around saying: “Gee, I wish America was still great!"

There are problems with globalization and widening disparities of wealth, but America still has one of the highest GDPs per capita of any country - comfortably clear of Germany and Japan, and several times better off than Russia. In military terms it's stronger than all the rest put together. And even after two years of Trump, America is universally regarded as one of the freest countries on earth (unless you get shot, I guess).

So how is he planning to make it great again?

That stupid cliche has never made any sense to me, particularly how the Trumpanzee herd latched on to it like Gollum and his preciousssss ring. After all, as a leftie yourself, how many times in the last few decades have *you* been told you hate America when you've criticized some not-so-great aspect of our country? But all of a sudden it's cool to claim that it needs to be made great again.... because a faux conservative put it on a [made-in-China] hat and made it a campaign slogan.
So when did Trump admit he stole it from Bill? I must have missed that.
Actually, Bill said it , but it was not his driving theme like it is daffy's.
Not the same thing at all.

I didn't say it was his main theme, I just said he wanted to make America Great Again. I think it has been used several times in the past--I doubt any of them admitted they stole it from someone else.

Of course, it has not been used as often as "take Americal back again," "change," or other often used cliches.
Before Trump (or somebody) thought up MAGA, I don't recall a lot of people going around saying: “Gee, I wish America was still great!"

There are problems with globalization and widening disparities of wealth, but America still has one of the highest GDPs per capita of any country - comfortably clear of Germany and Japan, and several times better off than Russia. In military terms it's stronger than all the rest put together. And even after two years of Trump, America is universally regarded as one of the freest countries on earth (unless you get shot, I guess).

So how is he planning to make it great again?

If you don't want to know the answer don't ask the question. The simplest method to make the US great again? Keep the social fascist democrats powerless. ;) You know by taking control of the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the portion of the house that actually ratifies law....the senate.

The US....used to lead the world in quality of life....now it ranks 13th. The US ranks 49th in life expectancy....and 178th in infant mortality (this in spite all the left wing FREE SHIT and abortion on demand). One thing the US leads the world in.....is SPENDING ON PUBLIC EDUCATION.....but its sad that the US ranks 25th in the quality of education received (where the hell is the money going?)

The US is 7th with its population being "LITERATE"....having the ability to read the daily newspaper after having received a high school degree. 27th in math, 22nd in science....yada, yada, yada,

The US ranks 13th in the world in allowing small business start ups....thanks to the smothering left wing regulations that punish the wage payers. Freedom of the press? Really?
Free from corruption? The US ranks 21st among the world nations with the least amount of corruption. During the Obama years.....the US GDP (growth) ranked 169th in the world.

FYI: There is a list of what the US does lead the world in...……

1. Number of incarcerated citizens per capita. 2. Spending on things like education, welfare for non-citizens, and national defense (as the US has become the world's police force).

Looks like Jeff Daniels is popular. :laugh:
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If you don't want to know the answer don't ask the question. The simplest method to make the US great again? Keep the social fascist democrats powerless. ;) You know by taking control of the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the portion of the house that actually ratifies law....the senate.

The US....used to lead the world in quality of life....now it ranks 13th. The US ranks 49th in life expectancy....and 178th in infant mortality (this in spite all the left wing FREE SHIT and abortion on demand). One thing the US leads the world in.....is SPENDING ON PUBLIC EDUCATION.....but its sad that the US ranks 25th in the quality of education received (where the hell is the money going?)

The US is 7th with its population being "LITERATE"....having the ability to read the daily newspaper after having received a high school degree. 27th in math, 22nd in science....yada, yada, yada,

The US ranks 13th in the world in allowing small business start ups....thanks to the smothering left wing regulations that punish the wage payers. Freedom of the press? Really?
Free from corruption? The US ranks 21st among the world nations with the least amount of corruption. During the Obama years.....the US GDP (growth) ranked 169th in the world.

FYI: There is a list of what the US does lead the world in...……

1. Number of incarcerated citizens per capita. 2. Spending on things like education, welfare for non-citizens, and national defense (as the US has become the world's police force).

Looks like Jeff Daniels is popular. :laugh:

So you understand corporate abuse is rampant in America since we finalized the oligopoly.
Our crappy health care is a product of the lobbying and financial power of health care companies and insurance companies. Good, that is the problem.
Of course, you know the incarceration rate and expense is a product of making for-profit prisons. Keeping jails full makes for-profit prisons a lot of money. How many billions do we waste on jailing, judging and imprisoning people for things like weed?
When I was growing up, American schools were the envy of the world. But teachers have unions and there is no way the wealthy who run the country are tolerating that. So they started to wreck the system and demonize teachers. They are succeeding in both, while making huge profits off delivering crappy education.
So you understand corporate abuse is rampant in America since we finalized the oligopoly.
Our crappy health care is a product of the lobbying and financial power of health care companies and insurance companies. Good, that is the problem.
Of course, you know the incarceration rate and expense is a product of making for-profit prisons. Keeping jails full makes for-profit prisons a lot of money. How many billions do we waste on jailing, judging and imprisoning people for things like weed?
When I was growing up, American schools were the envy of the world. But teachers have unions and there is no way the wealthy who run the country are tolerating that. So they started to wreck the system and demonize teachers. They are succeeding in both, while making huge profits off delivering crappy education.

My healthcare and coverage is perfectly fine. If yours isn't, tough shit. I don't give a fuck about you and yours.

There's an easy way to lower the incarceration rate and the government doesn't have to do a damn thing. People that commit crimes could stop doing so and you'd quickly see that rate drop. You can't keep jails full if people choose not to break the law.
Hello Tranquillus in Exile,

Before Trump (or somebody) thought up MAGA, I don't recall a lot of people going around saying: “Gee, I wish America was still great!"

There are problems with globalization and widening disparities of wealth, but America still has one of the highest GDPs per capita of any country - comfortably clear of Germany and Japan, and several times better off than Russia. In military terms it's stronger than all the rest put together. And even after two years of Trump, America is universally regarded as one of the freest countries on earth (unless you get shot, I guess).

So how is he planning to make it great again?

President Trump has never defined what he meant my MAGA.

He purposely left it wide open so his fans could see what they want to see in the statement.

And there is no way to measure whether he has followed through on his slogan.

Personally, I believe he has trashed and looted the nation for his own personal advancement.

Which is pretty stupid because he was already so rich he could have anything he wanted.

But when you realize he was only running for the publicity, and that he messed up and actually got elected, it makes a lot of sense.

He's got so many dirty deals going on, he should have just stayed out of scrutiny.

Now he messed up and has investigators looking into everything he ever did. (Sure is keeping them busy.)

He should have left well enough alone, but he messed up and got elected.

Looks like his mouth wrote some checks his ego can't cash.
Why do people think America needs making great again?

22 trillion dollars of national debt. A near totally trashed Constitution, China ripping off America. NATO allies not paying their fair share of NATO dues, Over-regulation, Highest Corporate tax on the planet. Millions on food stamps Very high black & Hispanic unemployment. A stupid deal with Iran. A stupid membership in the Paris Accord. Borders that were going unprotected.

But never fear The Donald is working on it and has half of it fixed already, much to the chagrin of lefty America haters.
Why do people think America needs making great again?

Because it elected trumpf? (Fair play, I know it didn't really!)
Of course, you know the incarceration rate and expense is a product of making for-profit prisons. Keeping jails full makes for-profit prisons a lot of money. How many billions do we waste on jailing, judging and imprisoning people for things like weed?

For-profit prison hold about 6% of the country's prisoners; so, most of the billions being spent go to government prisons. They don't call them profits but the people that run those prisons still benefit from the funding. The warden of a government prison or private prison both know they can increase their salary and status by increasing the size and budget of their institution. The whole claim about for-profit prisons greatly exaggerate their share of the "market."
MAGA is code for putting white people back in charge, after the Black Pan-African Nationalist Kenyan-Marxist dystopian hellscape Barack and Michelle Obama put us through.

Does that mean white people were not in charge for a while? That kind of destroys the racist, white privilege claims.