Why do people think America needs making great again?

22 trillion dollars of national debt ...
But never fear The Donald is working on it and has half of it fixed already, much to the chagrin of lefty America haters.

When Mr. Trump took office on Jan. 20, 2017, the national debt was $19.9 trillion, according to U.S. Treasury data. Since then, the GOP-led Congress has passed a $1.5 trillion tax cut bill and a two-year spending deal which, together, are expected to drive the deficit and debt further upward. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates annual deficits could top $2.1 trillion per year in the next decade.


So that's how he's going to make America great again!
For-profit prison hold about 6% of the country's prisoners; so, most of the billions being spent go to government prisons. They don't call them profits but the people that run those prisons still benefit from the funding. The warden of a government prison or private prison both know they can increase their salary and status by increasing the size and budget of their institution. The whole claim about for-profit prisons greatly exaggerate their share of the "market."

8.5 percent and went up 47 percent since 2000.https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/private-prisons-united-states/ Lots of states have no private prisons. Those that allow it has far more that 6 or 9.percent.
Obama was phasing them out. Sessions reversed that.
Deflection,the Trumpsters only weapon

This post make no sense. The question was who wants to make America great again? I answered Bill Clinton because he was obviously one of the people who did so. Plus, I am not a trumpster. So, there was no deflection from any Trumpster. You make wild unfounded assumptions.
This post make no sense. The question was who wants to make America great again? I answered Bill Clinton because he was obviously one of the people who did so. Plus, I am not a trumpster. So, there was no deflection from any Trumpster. You make wild unfounded assumptions.

Clinton hasn't been in office in almost 20 years,
8.5 percent and went up 47 percent since 2000.https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/private-prisons-united-states/ Lots of states have no private prisons. Those that allow it has far more that 6 or 9.percent.
Obama was phasing them out. Sessions reversed that.

The latest data I found came from the Bureau of Justice Statistics from 2016. Due to some prison reforms the total prison population has declined since 2010 from 1,613,803 to 1,506,757 in 2016 (87% of those are in state prisons).

9% of federal and state prisoners were in privately operated facilities in 2016 down 800 prisoners (2%) from 2015. This includes nonsecure community corrections centers and home confinement.

The latest data I found came from the Bureau of Justice Statistics from 2016. Due to some prison reforms the total prison population has declined since 2010 from 1,613,803 to 1,506,757 in 2016 (87% of those are in state prisons).

9% of federal and state prisoners were in privately operated facilities in 2016 down 800 prisoners (2%) from 2015. This includes nonsecure community corrections centers and home confinement.


And the states that allow it have a greater percentage that the 9 . Many states do not allow it.
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Does that mean it used to be great? If so, when did it stop?

When we started to give huge tax breaks again and again to corporations and the wealthy exacerbating the wealth gap, like never before. They essentially got the money that went to skilled workers and the middle class for themselves.
It certain American people decided that self-respect was preferable to worshipping a fat, stupid, incompetent bully-boy, there'd be no question about when and what was 'great'.
When we started to give huge tax breaks again and again to corporations and the wealthy exacerbating the wealth gap, like never before. They essentially got the money that went to skilled workers and the middle class for themselves.

I'm not sure I get the connection. The workers got their pay from the employer which was not effected by how much the wealthy paid the government in taxes.

In 1964 the average hourly wage was $20.27. In 2018 it was $22.65 adjusted for inflation.

Wage growth increased at a slow pace but total employer costs (overtime, benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, retirement contributions) increased 22.5% since 2001. [U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics].

None of these costs came from taxes.