Why Do Repukes Hate Liberals?

probably because you're stupid enough to think you have something in common with the people who founded this country.......

if the founders could have foreseen what you are trying to turn the country into they probably would have given up........

Well, the only similarity they have with the current Republicans is that they were traitors to their legal government, trying to avoid paying their debts. The current gang, let's face it, are just a gang of fascist bullies, trying to overthrow democracy.
Ahhh...another conservative who doesn't know what socialism is. How comes words like "freedom" and "liberty" and "socialism" are just words to conservatives? Why don't you know their meanings? Just curious.

I mean everyone who's fairly literate knows that our form of governance is known as a liberal democracy (more correctly a liberal democratic republic). We highly value liberal education and scoff at the notion of conservative education as being foolish. Most people even know that the word "liberal" and "liberty" are both derived from the Latin root word for freedom "liber". So why do conservatives like you hate liberty and freedom? Why don't you know what socialism is? Why is it that some conservative leader can just has to tell you the same lie over and over and over again and you believe it. Why is that? Why are freedom and liberty just meaningless words to you? Now don't tell me they aren't because every time some one actually practices them around here you're the first one to scream and holler in outrage. So why are they just words to you?

Why do idiots like you constantly fabricate asinine straw man arguments?
Why do idiots like you constantly fabricate asinine straw man arguments?
Now you don't even know what a strawman argument is. A strawman argument is a logical fallacy where a person misrepresents anothers views to make it easier to dispute their arguments.

I'm not making an argument here. I'm asking you questions. Why are liberty and freedom just words to you based on the fact that you get so emotionally upset when people actually practice them here? Why don't you know what socialism is when you keep condeming it? Why don't you know the difference between a question and a logical fallacy like a strawman argument?
Now you don't even know what a strawman argument is. A strawman argument is a logical fallacy where a person misrepresents anothers views to make it easier to dispute their arguments.

I'm not making an argument here. I'm asking you questions. Why are liberty and freedom just words to you based on the fact that you get so emotionally upset when people actually practice them here? Why don't you know what socialism is when you keep condeming it? Why don't you know the difference between a question and a logical fallacy like a strawman argument?

Wrong again dimwit; let me help you.

How comes words like "freedom" and "liberty" and "socialism" are just words to conservatives?

This is a strawman in that it infers that words are just words and lumps all Conservatives together as one homogenous group. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

We highly value liberal education and scoff at the notion of conservative education as being foolish.

Another strawman; the notion that there is such a thing as "conservative education" or that anyone is arguing for same. In addition you infer to speak for whomever this "we" is which suggests that not only are you a dimwit, but an arrogant dimwit at that. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

So why do conservatives like you hate liberty and freedom?

Another incredibly stupid strawman falsely inferring that all Conservatives don’t like liberty or freedom. But you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

Why don't you know what socialism is?

Another strawman based on your illogical soliloquy projecting your false perceptions about Conservatives onto them. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

Why is it that some conservative leader can just has to tell you the same lie over and over and over again and you believe it.

This wasn't so much a strawman as it was a false narrative with nothing more than "because you say so" to support it. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

Why are freedom and liberty just meaningless words to you?

Another strawman and weak attempt to attribute a claim to individuals and groups they never made. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

So why are they just words to you?

Another strawman based on a logical fallacy claiming someone stated something they never stated. But then, you're a dimwit and didn't know this.

Now anything else you need to be educated on as to why you continue to remove all doubt as to what an incredibly dense clueless hyper partisan buffoon?
(*chirp*, *chirp*)...got kinda quiet here all of a sudden. Guess Truth Deflector didn't like my guestions.

Wrong again dipshit; I am actually working from my office at home because I am self-employed and not a dependent asshat spewing lettard talking points in a vacuum of reality or the facts; see above dipshit.
He's closer to being a right-winger than he is of being a 'leftist.'

I am a leftist .. that fake thing is not.

Me? Right-winger? Fake thing? This coming from a black-assed fool that constantly denigrates the Democratic Party, the President, never has any solutions or suggestions for solutions, just whine, whine, whine running his tater trap about things that he has no real knowledge of and suffers deep dementia about his own lot in life and that mainly just being black?

Point out just one instance where I've said or done anything to indicate that I just MIGHT be a right-winger. Point out one instance that I indicate I may be a "fake thing". You, blackee, are the fake thing and that's for certain. It's part of your low self esteem and complex problems. You suck, buckwheat.

Since this thread is directed at repukes, I will remind everyone that they preserved the American union shortly after forming as a party. They re-established the old Federalist commitment toward industrializing this country, making it one of the wealthiest and productive on Earth. Next to that, what can liberals claim to have done of comparable measure?
Oh boy! The right wing hate radio must be using the newest buzz word... leftist. I''ll have to listen tomorrow for 10-15 min to find out who is ringing the bell that makes the wing nuts drool all at the same time.

Leftists... LOL! :clap:
Well, the only similarity they have with the current Republicans is that they were traitors to their legal government, trying to avoid paying their debts. The current gang, let's face it, are just a gang of fascist bullies, trying to overthrow democracy.

Oh R'lyeh? Please, DO explain.
Me? Right-winger? Fake thing? This coming from a black-assed fool that constantly denigrates the Democratic Party, the President, never has any solutions or suggestions for solutions, just whine, whine, whine running his tater trap about things that he has no real knowledge of and suffers deep dementia about his own lot in life and that mainly just being black?

Point out just one instance where I've said or done anything to indicate that I just MIGHT be a right-winger. Point out one instance that I indicate I may be a "fake thing". You, blackee, are the fake thing and that's for certain. It's part of your low self esteem and complex problems. You suck, buckwheat.


Love the racism infused in your post, especially "blacker" and "buckwheat".

I wonder if your fellow leftists will launch into a tirade for your racial I sensitivities or just give you a pass like they do all fellow lefties?

They do have a soft spot for BAC Panther though so it will be interesting to see how it plays out
They also warned of banking and corporate control of the American government .. a concept that you embrace.

Perhaps you should step away from the Founders and their thinking.

It's not a concept that I embrace, nor is it one that even gives a passing nod at reality.

I own pieces of many corporations. The corporations are us and we are the corporations.

The government going to war against corporations is simply the government going to war with individual Americans saving for their futures, declining to rely upon questionable government care in their golden years.
dear idiot,

the corporations are NOT Americans.

there is no citizenship requirements to own a company.

You are placing foreigners OVER American interests