why do right leaning posters ruin every rule they can?


what is with you people not being able to use a rule in such a way that your don't destroy its very purpose?
You fucked up the filibuster rule so bad you turned it into a way to KEEP the people from having the power they voted into office.

You fucked up the independent prosecutor rule too.

Just like you fucks come here and pretend you are willing to discuss things and then ban anyone who kicks your ass from your threads.

You just cant be trusted with power


so you think that is what the founders saw speaking truth to power means?


fuck you asshole

You hate democracy
Just like you fucks come here and pretend you are willing to discuss things and then ban anyone who kicks your ass from your threads.

no one respects you desh. even your liberal friends laugh about you behind closed doors. I for one am not going to have you tard up my threads with 30 spam posts all in a row and one line long talking about facts and sociopaths. if you typed like a normal person and didn't spam like an idiot then you would be allowed in. Many people of different political beliefs are allowed into my threads. so you are going to have to find another variable.

(hint: that variable is simply just you and your idiotic behavior).
no one respects you desh. even your liberal friends laugh about you behind closed doors. I for one am not going to have you tard up my threads with 30 spam posts all in a row and one line long talking about facts and sociopaths. if you typed like a normal person and didn't spam like an idiot then you would be allowed in. Many people of different political beliefs are allowed into my threads. so you are going to have to find another variable.

(hint: that variable is simply just you and your idiotic behavior).

oh big tuff guy huh.

with your scrode dragging in the dirt you scream out the childish taunt on the internets " no body likes yo8u everybody hates you just go eat a worm"

Fuck you grind your a terrible person.

you hate mankind and think ONLY about your stupid little fucking selfish ass
You fucks are so afraid of me you ban me from nearly all the threads you make.

chickenshits who cant handle the cold hard truth of court documented facts