why do right leaning posters ruin every rule they can?

Its the "take all you can get, not all you need" attitude. It makes the world a less happy place.
no one is afraid of you, you idiot. you are a joke.

I apologize for piling on here but when you have people from all political stripes, I'm talking bac, Darla, Prof Bax, and (name anyone on the right) have a conversation with Desh where they have all said 'you don't know what the hell you are talking about' it becomes a theme and not a one off incident.

And they don't say that because they are afraid of her...
no one respects you desh. even your liberal friends laugh about you behind closed doors. I for one am not going to have you tard up my threads with 30 spam posts all in a row and one line long talking about facts and sociopaths. if you typed like a normal person and didn't spam like an idiot then you would be allowed in. Many people of different political beliefs are allowed into my threads. so you are going to have to find another variable.

(hint: that variable is simply just you and your idiotic behavior).

Listen to the crybaby MOD whining about "spam posts" while he lets two trolls spam up the current events forum with thread after thread of the same anti-ACA shit, NONE of which anyone can respond to because the gutless trolls thread ban anyone who might point out the stupidity of their claim.

The only VARIABLE is Grind agrees with the two trolls, so they get a pass.

Desh, myself and several others who don't agree with Grind's petulant, childish ramblings get placed on forced ignore and thread banned.
oh big tuff guy huh.

with your scrode dragging in the dirt you scream out the childish taunt on the internets " no body likes yo8u everybody hates you just go eat a worm"

Fuck you grind your a terrible person.

you hate mankind and think ONLY about your stupid little fucking selfish ass

Just figuring that out about Grind, are ya?

Because it became obvious just what a self absorbed little douche nozzle the guy was the instant he admitted guns were more important to him than the lives of children.
You fucks are so afraid of me you ban me from nearly all the threads you make.

chickenshits who cant handle the cold hard truth of court documented facts

It's the only common sense reason why they regularly ban those with differing opinions.

They just can't handle cold hard facts proving their bullshit claims are just that.

Listen to the crybaby MOD whining about "spam posts" while he lets two trolls spam up the current events forum with thread after thread of the same anti-ACA shit, NONE of which anyone can respond to because the gutless trolls thread ban anyone who might point out the stupidity of their claim.

The only VARIABLE is Grind agrees with the two trolls, so they get a pass.

Desh, myself and several others who don't agree with Grind's petulant, childish ramblings get placed on forced ignore and thread banned.

And here's her little house boy, the eternal whiner who's constantly complaining about management.

It amuses me to no end just how the republicans here consider these two mainstream because that is what they've become in society when they were both born the very minute the leftists took over Columbia University back in 1969.
And here's her little house boy, the eternal whiner who's constantly complaining about management.

It amuses me to no end just how the republicans here consider these two mainstream because that is what they've become in society when they were both born the very minute the leftists took over Columbia University back in 1969.

Who are you referring to?
You fucked up the filibuster rule so bad you turned it into a way to KEEP the people from having the power they voted into office.

You fucked up the independent prosecutor rule too.

Just like you fucks come here and pretend you are willing to discuss things and then ban anyone who kicks your ass from your threads.

You just cant be trusted with power

So....exactly what was the "filibuster rule" and why did it exist in the first place ?

If it wasn't intended as "a way to KEEP the people from abusing the power they have"....wtf was it intended to do ?
YOU lie about that. Ben Franklin himself said we built a republic, NOT a democracy. come back when you can be an adult and accept that we're not YOUR democracy.

dear fucking IDIOT he was referring to DIRECT democracy.

go look at the quote in context you fucking idiot
Zaps, you and Desh are actually more annoying than Legion at the moment, and I have hated the little POS for quite some time. Don't worry, though, I'm sure he'll tire of not being in 1st place and step it up soon...
during discussions of what kind of a democracy we were to have the founders discussed Pure or Direct democracy.

they rejected the idea for good reasons.

the people cant vote on EVERYTHING because that takes too long and is unwieldy.

they instead chose a democratic republic with a constitution.

many of the quotes you see by founders about democracy they are discussing pure or direct democracy when you look at the quotes in context.

low information voters dont know that