Why do some conservatives admire Putin?

10% of Republicans and 12% of Democrats had favorable views of Putin? I guess that shows, er, something. But you see, this isn't about "favorable views", it's about people who think that Putin is great.

Take a look at another article, "Why U.S. conservatives love Russia’s Vladimir Putin":

Read the comments (it's quite clear that most of them are not from Democrats), then get back to me.

You're comparing an opinion piece, and the opinions of anonymous folks on the internet who you "think" are conservatives, with a scientific poll.
You're comparing an opinion piece, and the opinions of anonymous folks on the internet who you "think" are conservatives, with a scientific poll.

No, I'm not. I've explained that "favorable views" in an opinion poll are not the same thing as adulation. But if you don't want to know, I guess there's no point in pressing it.
I do not think I could respect myself if I clicked on links to see Vladimir Putin with his shirt off...

...but, yes, you get the picture about the gay-curious, homo erotic titillation rightwing dudes have for Vladimir....

Here we have a homophobe claiming those he disagrees with politically are homos...
Why The Conservative Admiration Of Putin Is Dangerous

Conservatives harbor an odd admiration for Vladimir Putin

Why the Conservative Admiration of Putin Is Dangerous

The Increasingly Awkward Conservative Crush on Putin

If Loving Putin Is ‘Right,’ I Want to Be Wrong - not all conservatives are enamored with Russia.

Why conservative Americans admire Putin
Trump does not admire Putin, that's bs. The only "conservatives" who admire Putin, aren't conservatives at all. At least not in the traditional American sense of the word. Libs tend to lump white nationalists and Nazis in with conservatives, they're wrong.

"Trump does not admire Putin"?

Dumbshit post of the day!