Why do you hate the pope?

Because catholic priests are lying scum

I'm a former catholic and thankfully, I never got abused. I never let the priests get close to me either. LOL they creeped me out even as a 10 year old.

I gave up religion at age 12
Told my parents I thought it was a fear-based tool of coersion and I didn't want to get "confirmed".

The rest of the family all stopped going to church after that. Nobody could argue my point and I guess it must have rang true enough that it stuck with them.

Doesn't speak very well of the IQ level of said family that the smartest person in that family was a 12 year old.

No wonder you think you're better than everyone else. You were a 12 year old with a triple digit IQ in a family of functional retards.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king...
For me it was much younger but I went along with it anyway and Confirmed. I was lucky to marry a Catholic and when I was going through marriage training got back going to mass regularly. Funny because our priest at that time wasn't inspirational at all. I've learned to appreciate it more as I mature and especially when the kids were young. I actually had Jesus call on me one day after Communion. And I've found prayer to work well to keep us all safe in our many trips on two-lane curving highways, in snowy weather and even doing crazy things like ski racing.

So there is no doubt in my mind that Christ is in the Catholic Church in spite of its faults. Non-Catholics love to bash it while ignoring their own faults and the faults of other groups that they put Faith or faith into.

Well Catholicism gave me my first appreciation of God and Jesus. I have a relationship with God but it's quite different than my Catholic upbringing and initial understanding of God, Jesus, the Trinity, and stuff I no longer really subscribe to.

I just wish they could be more "stealth" in their approach. It's far more effective when it's drowning in complete double entendres.

I really want to think there's something that resembles stellar wit and irony behind these insults.

Something that causes me to go:

"Aha! Now THAT'S a good-un'!"

Sadly, I am disappointed more times than not...
I just wish they could be more "stealth" in their approach. It's far more effective when it's drowning in complete double entendres.

I really want to think there's something that resembles stellar wit and irony behind these insults.

Something that causes me to go:

"Aha! Now THAT'S a good-un'!"

Sadly, I am disappointed more times than not...

Me too~~~
I am in no way jealous of a net bimbo blowing a net bigot, playing stupid games with other individual's personal information and that of their family members.

Awww.. You're still all butthurt over that are you?

Clue: Don't post your wife's picture in your profile and then piss people off.

Makes sense, huh?

Hindsight's always 20/20!
Awww.. You're still all butthurt over that are you?

Clue: Don't post your wife's picture in your profile and then piss people off.

Makes sense, huh?

Hindsight's always 20/20!
no here is the better clue you twat, any of you use that picture again without my permission and there will be hell to pay. Try me, I dare you.
no here is the better clue you twat, any of you use that picture again without my permission and there will be hell to pay. Try me, I dare you.


Now what are we in a dither about today, Socky?

Why on God's Green Earth would I be interested in posting your wife's picture? You didn't insult MY wife like you did SM's. Guess when the foo $hits you don't like the squeeze? Maybe you should check your own ethics at the door?

You made a stupid move and got caught with your drawers down. Get over it!

Now what are we in a dither about today, Socky?

Why on God's Green Earth would I be interested in posting your wife's picture? You didn't insult MY wife like you did SM's. Guess when the foo $hits you don't like the squeeze? Maybe you should check your own ethics at the door?

You made a stupid move and got caught with your drawers down. Get over it!

I guess he ran away 'cause he didn't like you holding up the proverbial mirror:cool:
Well Catholicism gave me my first appreciation of God and Jesus. I have a relationship with God but it's quite different than my Catholic upbringing and initial understanding of God, Jesus, the Trinity, and stuff I no longer really subscribe to.
As is mine. The Church merely gives me structure and a place to "come home to". I can be in a foreign country, walk into a Catholic mass, even though the language is different it is the same.