Why does Canada put up with the truckers?

You galactically stupid fuck. Since according to you BLM/Antifa = Trucker Convoy (your words), are you for both of them or against both of them?
BLM/ANTIFA claim their "activities" were demonstrations. Jan 6 actually was one. In that respect they are akin.

Of course BLM/ANTIFA were not demonstrations at all but I was explaining it in a way even a left fringe halfwit like you could understand. Sadly it seems you are not even a half wit so any discourse is like talking to an infant.
BLM/ANTIFA claim their "activities" were demonstrations. Jan 6 actually was one. In that respect they are akin.

Of course BLM/ANTIFA were not demonstrations at all but I was explaining it in a way even a left fringe halfwit like you could understand. Sadly it seems you are not even a half wit so any discourse is like talking to an infant.

No, you stupid fucking bitch. You said that BLM/Antifa are the same as Trucker Convoy. Then you avoided my question because you're just barely smarter than the pussy you present yourself as online. So let's go again.

Are you for the BLM/Antifa/Trucker Convoy demonstrations or against them? You said they're the same, so please try a little moral conviction and logical consistency for the first time in your wasted cunty life.
The blm bullshit is all about extorting money from large corporations expecting their stores will be spared when the "demonstrations" turn to looting for free shit. The leaders take the millions and the lessers take 85" TV's and Nike shoes.

Antifa and Proud boys are just troublemakers and in my opinion, both should be locked up and the key thrown away.