You desperate DEMOCRATS keep chanting that like it's true.
It isn't. He could literally shoot someone in the street and not lose voters. Remember?
Some of us are intelligent and mature enough to realize that politics is the art of the possible, and compromise is the key to progress.
I said some of us. That doesn't include you.
Would that be Englandistan, the same "#1 ally" that regularly proclaims that he isn't welcome in their country?
It's telling that you consider insincere lip service classy.
You really don't know how shallow and stupid you sound, do you?
Your acceptance of trump's mean-spirited boorishness means you have precious little moral justification for calling out others.
Some of us are intelligent enough to understand that the leader of the country should lead by good example, not by cheap insults and hot-headed tweeting.
trump spurned England after he met with Theresa May and realized she was light-years ahead of him in political know-how and general intelligence.
It's also telling that you *don't* consider diplomacy to be classy.
So as far as appearing shallow and stupid, look no further than your bathroom mirror.