Why does someone start a business?

Is it to create social justice?

Is it to provide jobs and pay benefits?

Hell no. It is to try to make money. And if a business owner could get away with ZERO employees they would.

Employees are a pain in the ass

They get sick
They steal
They show up late
They complain
They quit
They get pregnant
They are expensive

They are in short an expense and it is the goal of any business to control that expense. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never run a business and is childlike in their thinking

My employee is the greatest asset of my business, this year she brought in more than 50% of the income and does spectacular work. She costs much less than she brings in.

And, I am willing to bet I pay her more per-year than most of you idiots make in three years.
My employee is the greatest asset of my business, this year she brought in more than 50% of the income and does spectacular work. She costs much less than she brings in.

And, I am willing to bet I pay her more per-year than most of you idiots make in three years.

Only one way to find out. Tell us what you earned. What she brought in and what you paid her. Anything short of that and you are just blowing smoke out of your ass.

Back it up.
Only one way to find out. Tell us what you earned. What she brought in and what you paid her. Anything short of that and you are just blowing smoke out of your ass.

Back it up.

You would simply say I was lying, or lie yourself about what you make. I don't really care if you believe me or not.
You would simply say I was lying, or lie yourself about what you make. I don't really care if you believe me or not.

Come on give it us. You should have never said anything if you weren't prepared to back it up.

Tell ya what. Does this person make more than you?
The point of the thread is to educate you and bring you into the world of reality....and its failing miserably....

About what? For profit businesses seek profit? No shit! Does that seem like a novel idea to you?

The probelm is that it is a bit simplistic and puts the cart before the horse.
My employee is the greatest asset of my business, this year she brought in more than 50% of the income and does spectacular work. She costs much less than she brings in.

And, I am willing to bet I pay her more per-year than most of you idiots make in three years.

Thats the point....the point pinheads don't get....your employee is an asset and makes you money...thats why your firm exists, to make money....
and in turn, because she wants to be an asset and not a liability, her job is more secure and she profits....that is why she is there, to make money....
The fact is, you keep the lions share of what she produces for your firm....you supply the workplace .

explain that to your follow pinheads.....
I would contend the foundational assumptions of this thread. Entrepreneurs exist for many reasons past personal gain.

With uncertain future and the infinite number of potential paths, their business success itself is not necessarily the driver of the process; affective states greatly determine the paths and process. Our results also showed the aspect of affect as a trigger of behavior; certain actions result in excitement, and entrepreneurs repeat such actions. Entrepreneurship becomes an excitement-seeking behavior, not a goal-driven, profit maximizing behavior.
