Why does the convicted felon hate this tiny fish so much? As Los Angeles burns, resident-elect felon Trump is yelling at a fish.

Smelt fishing through the ice is huge in the northern part of NY, and I'm sure out your way too.

Probably so. I was looking at them one day in the fresh fish counter, in horrified fascination. An elderly guy came up and started telling me, in his adorable Yooper accent, how to fry them up. And if you have some leftover, don't fry them but use them for bait! Cheaper than live minnows and you don't need a live bucket to keep them in, either.

People do this with me constantly. Guess I must look approachable or something. They'll just start talking about a health problem, or some family issue, or some other thing that's troubling them. Mr. Owl finds it amusing, thankfully.

As devastating wildfires continue to burn through Los Angeles, so far killing at least 10 people and forcing well over 100,000 people to evacuate, or try to, President-elect Donald Trump has decided to point his ire toward a fish. Not the severe Santa Ana winds that fueled the fires. Not the unusually dry weather. Not the steady march of home development into fire-prone areas.
A fish.

In a post Wednesday morning on Truth Social, Trump blamed California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, for depriving the LA region of water because he wanted to protect “an essentially worthless fish called a smelt.” Trump chided Newsom for not approving a water restoration declaration that doesn’t exist, per Newsom’s office. He also implied that protections for the delta smelt — a small fish species found only in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, an expansive wetland in Northern California — caused some fire hydrants to run dry in parts of LA. (Earlier this week, fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood ran dry, not because the city had no water but because of water pressure and other infrastructure issues.)

This isn’t the first time that Trump has bad-mouthed this fish. For nearly a decade now, the incoming president has claimed that he can solve California’s incredibly complex water problems by simply undoing regulations designed to help the delta smelt skirt extinction, as E&E News’s Jennifer Yachnin has reported. Those problems are not rooted in drought, Trump claims, but in Democratic rules that restrain private interests. In reality, rising temperatures have made California’s droughts even dryer.
Rex Tillerson, and many other former Trump staffers, was right about Pedo Don.

The same goes for all the MAGAts who were riled by your post. LOL
Figuratively speaking, you've all willingly made yourselves trump's "niggas".

trump says "lie for me" and you N4Ts do whatever you're told and lie for him.

trump says "bend over and grab your ankles" and you N4Ts bend over.

In that sense, you're all "niggas" for trump.

You even have a theme song ...

Don't complain about being called what you are.

Your point is valid but you could choose better words. Cultist, minion, serf, vassal, slave all work as well without the racist connotation.
Probably so. I was looking at them one day in the fresh fish counter, in horrified fascination. An elderly guy came up and started telling me, in his adorable Yooper accent, how to fry them up. And if you have some leftover, don't fry them but use them for bait! Cheaper than live minnows and you don't need a live bucket to keep them in, either.

People do this with me constantly. Guess I must look approachable or something. They'll just start talking about a health problem, or some family issue, or some other thing that's troubling them. Mr. Owl finds it amusing, thankfully.
Figuratively speaking, you've all willingly made yourselves trump's "niggas".

trump says "lie for me" and you N4Ts do whatever you're told and lie for him.

trump says "bend over and grab your ankles" and you N4Ts bend over.

In that sense, you're all "niggas" for trump.

You even have a theme song ...

Don't complain about being called what you are.
So you're making fun of black people....and their music...🤎...
MAGAts, besides being fucking morons, don't understand how an ecosystem works. This is what they have in common with the Bambi-lovers. By eliminating predators, the deer population, like rabbits in Australia, overpopulate and endanger themselves and the remaining ecosystem.

Anyone who has ever had a terrarium understands about balancing an ecosystem. Fucking morons not so much.

That's a different kind of smelt.

You are wrong!!! You ignorant white lib nazi racist POS. You hate the environment. You know nothing about nature.

Did you get that disinformation from your White Lib Cult leaders? Goebbels would be proud of you Nazi fucks.

Suck on this, dumbass N4T.



I'm telling all stupid trumpers what they are.
Read your posts...you absolutely are Mocking black people... And
their music.. You're obsessed.....lol... You're posts have nothing to do with most people who voted for President Trump...You found a group that excites you and now you can't stop talking about them... And by doing that mocking all black people...
Read your posts...you absolutely are Mocking them... And
their music.. You're posts have nothing to do with people who voted for President Trump...

You're a lying N4T and everyone knows it.
I didn't create the term "Niggas 4 trump".

Black people did that.

Just because I apply the term they call themselves to all trumpers does not make me a "racist".

You lowlifes are just desperate.
Pipe down you inbred democrat redneck.