There Can be Only One!
Good question.
I mean I don't think the maga's think one step ahead of "owning the libs". There's going to be a price for installing trump again.. a price paid by all Americans, not just "the libs".
Good question.
I mean I don't think the maga's think one step ahead of "owning the libs". There's going to be a price for installing trump again.. a price paid by all Americans, not just "the libs".
IMO, once the WSEs installed Trump as President-for-Life, they'd either control him or do what the Praetorian Guard did to Caligula.![]()
it amazes me how incredibly stupid the JPP lib'ruls actually can be......
Yep, magas find things that they can't understand or anything short of total race and gay hatred fearful. So they call it stupid. Magas are a frightened and ignorant crew.
Trump would only gain power through violence and bloodshed.
No, he'll gain power by being elected. The violence and bloodshed will come after he gains that power. He'll get rid of any public servant who doesn't pledge total loyalty for him. The magas will install them as president for life - and then the hurt will come.
Now, let's look at this. Postmoderprophet has no understanding of grammar. And he calls others stupid. 100% Troll.
He will not be elected. Less people will vote for him when he lost to Biden before. He's done.
Perhaps, or perhaps like most magas he can't hold back the hatred towards anything he can't comprehend or understand. Magas can't grasp anything that smells of nuance.
He won in 2016, he was elected fairly. It could happen again. I know polls don't mean much this far out, but he is ahead on all the key swing states right now.
Someone who cannot pass a third grade grammar test is on my ignore list.
As I've said, polls are 100% meaningless. A waste of time.
My ignore list was pretty full when I first joined this forum. Then I realized that by doing that, I was eliminating the possibility of a mental breakthrough by some. Stone, for example is a total hateful troll to most of us - but he has short periods of decency. We've got to try to reach out to these folks or there will be no hope - just total civil war.
It is civil war. I am way past that.
Well, if our democracy is to survive we have to have hope that some of the people behaving like total pedantic shit-kickers will come around. trump is serious when he says if reelected, he's going to persecute anyone who had the balls to speak out against him. We have to make all Americans see that after he comes for his perceived enemies and eliminates any accountability - no one - and that includes the shit-kickers - no one will be safe.
Trump is a fascist. Most countries would have executed him for his violent coup attempt.
Not when half the country claims what trump did was not a coup. The magas are claiming - and some of them are serious - that trump was just "exercising his right to free speech". Now, you and I know what he did was the crime of treason - but half the country was behind what he did.
things that they can't understand
No, they won't be able to control him. trump will eliminate all public servants who don't pledge total loyalty to him. He will make sure no one will be able to hold him accountable. He won't be "Caligula", he'll be "Putin/Xi/Erdogan".