why does the right now hate the constitution?

Anybody here ..... Read evince's complaints about " Russo bot holes " when Obama was president ???

Lol ! Didn't think so ! Lol .....

so now you are claiming there was evidence the Russians helped Obama get elected?

man your programmer is really fucking stupid
the entire western worlds intel systems including the ENTIRE AMERICAN INTEL SYSTEM never found that after investigating the elections

The entire western worlds intel systems including the ENTIRE AMERICAN INTEL SYSTEM did find that the Russians did and have been fucking without elections since 2016

so your russian fed talking points are less than infantile
lies are NOT better than truths and reality

Fox "news" wants you to think lies are better than truth

for con men and perverts like Fox "news" employees and owners lies are better than facts

heres the problem with livi8ng in a world of lies for whatever reason you do it

when you base your world view on lies ( even if its only to try and fool and manipulate others) you build your debate on legs that can not stand or carry actual weight

you have to keep creating new lies to make that leg that cant stand of or carry actual weight work temporarily

before long you have to cut off the legs that can stand in your debate to make room for the lies that help your unfunctioning leg continue to stand

in the end you are merely sitting on nothing but a mound of lies and one unfunctioning leg

then you stupid lying ass just sinks into the mound of lies you built


because they are assholes that don't want the American people to love this nation anymore

they slander everything good about this nation now

Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch. Where the fuck were you when Erich Von Holder was Obama's "wingman"?


"I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see,"
and he never did anything illegal like Barr has huh

heres a thought

they are supposed to work together to protect the nation

trumpy and Barr are wingmaning to protect trump you fucking russo bot hole
lies are NOT better than truths and reality

Fox "news" wants you to think lies are better than truth

for con men and perverts like Fox "news" employees and owners lies are better than facts

heres the problem with livi8ng in a world of lies for whatever reason you do it

when you base your world view on lies ( even if its only to try and fool and manipulate others) you build your debate on legs that can not stand or carry actual weight

you have to keep creating new lies to make that leg that cant stand of or carry actual weight work temporarily

before long you have to cut off the legs that can stand in your debate to make room for the lies that help your unfunctioning leg continue to stand

in the end you are merely sitting on nothing but a mound of lies and one unfunctioning leg

then you stupid lying ass just sinks into the mound of lies you built


your lies have an expiration date you evil fucks

FACTS don't have expiration dates
Millions of dollars and a gang of rabid mad dog Democrat lawyers & two years, thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of indictments and NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, and y'all loser lefties think a bunch of incompetent neo-communist on a House committee are gonna find the smoking gun, right????? How fucking funny is that?????

You are reading things into posts that are not there. I said nothing about supporting additional investigations--I just said they were occurring.

"neo-communists on a House committee"? You are getting into wacky right territory. Calling those you disagree with names like neo-communist is the same thing as those who call Trump fascist and Nazi. Wacko territory.
Will you dumb shits keep up this Russia , Russia , Russia shit .... Please !

I will win the New Years Prediction thread if you do !!!!!

Millions of dollars and a gang of rabid mad dog Democrat lawyers & two years, thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of indictments and NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, and y'all loser lefties think a bunch of incompetent neo-communist on a House committee are gonna find the smoking gun, right????? How fucking funny is that?????

10+ counts of obstruction.