Why does this make me laugh?


Staff member

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.

Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.

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The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.

Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.

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Just another example of what a Nanny Goverment can attempt to do.
That's sort of like kids' scissors, right? I very often want the point on my paring knife in the kitchen. This really is the height of something: hysteria, or just plain idiocy, perhaps?

I have a rounded tip paring knife and rarely use it because the rounded tip is so inconvenient.

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.

Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.

More at link...

Sort of like little kid scissors or the pet rock fad? I mean, unless someone actually mandates that ALL cutlery for consumer use follows this trend, I don't see this invention making a decent profit beyond a year or two. But then again, you find all sorts of things at CVS and the like, so who knows.
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I think it's hilarious how all the comments are from Americans. Yeah, slaughter yourselves Americas. The British know the right path, and are benefitting immensely from it. While American is redeuced to a violent third world cesspool Britian will use their lack of violence to build a new, human life loving empire that will CONQUER THE WORLD.
I think it's hilarious how all the comments are from Americans. Yeah, slaughter yourselves Americas. The British know the right path, and are benefitting immensely from it. While American is redeuced to a violent third world cesspool Britian will use their lack of violence to build a new, human life loving empire that will CONQUER THE WORLD.

Are you professing that there is no way that it would ever be promoted by a nanny government??


I'm sure it was a purely thoughtful, logical process behind your equating a dopey cutlery idea with a nanny government that led you to this conclusion.

Okay, soap box. Why is it that only these retards are the ones concerned about the nanny government enough to speak up about dull knives? Some idiot comes along and decides that a dull knife maker = nanny government, when there's a billion other real reasons to think so?

There's plenty of them, but no, some moron steps up and uses the worst example ever.


I'm sure it was a purely thoughtful, logical process behind your equating a dopey cutlery idea with a nanny government that led you to this conclusion.

Okay, soap box. Why is it that only these retards are the ones concerned about the nanny government? Some idiot comes along and decides that a dull knife maker = nanny government, when there's a billion other real reasons to think so?

There's plenty of them, but no, some moron steps up and uses the worst example ever.


When you're through with your rant, could you find the time to answer the question??

Thanks loads.
Are you professing that there is no way that it would ever be promoted by a nanny government??

No. But then again, I'm not worried about rounded flashlight butts either.

Or any other insane fringe fear. I'm actually worried about the real shit, you know, government assuming more and more control of our retirement, healthcare, money....

Stabless knives? You go gave a field day you idiot.
No. But then again, I'm not worried about rounded flashlight butts either.

Or any other insane fringe fear. I'm actually worried about the real shit, you know, government assuming more and more control of our retirement, healthcare, money....

Stabless knives? You go gave a field day you idiot.

Ok; that's the second insult, you fuck face.
I asked a question and you immediatly pulled your tongue out of your ass and projected what YOU thought it meant.

Why don't you try putting your pea brain into gear and just dealing with the question being offered.

Now; I'll wait and see how much of your own shit, that you're willing to re-swllow.

No offense fellah, sorry to hurt your feelings.

But lets not turn "nanny state" into a battle cry for anything and everything lest it become useless.

I'm not worried about stabless knives. Are you?

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.

Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.

More at link...

Don't laugh too soon:


Obama administration moves to ban 80% of folding knives:
Under the 1958 federal Switchblade Act, switchblade knives are not importable into the United States, and may not be shipped across state lines. On May 21, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) proposed the revocation of four previous Ruling Letters; the effect would be a drastic expansion of the definition of non-importable knives. The organization KnifeRights warns that revocations would outlaw approximately 80 percent of the current market in folding knives.

The federal law does not apply to the mere possession or carrying of knives, but as KnifeRights explains, many state and local bans on possession or carrying are parasitic on the federal definition. Accordingly, if the proposed Customs change goes into effect, many millions of people who own or carry pocketknives would instantly be defined as criminals.

The National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment groups have issued alerts about the proposed change, but the KnifeRights website is the key source for detailed information. Founded in 2006, KnifeRights is still a fledgling organization; they do good work, and I am pleased to be a member.

[Note: I added text to clarify that the 80% figure is for folding knives.]
Dangit. Somebody came and added seriousness to my hilarity! Why you gotta do that?

Every time I look at the "stabless" knife I think of myriad ways I could use it to stab somebody, in self-defense of course. It's pretty useless, and funny. Taking away my folding knife? Not so much. I don't just "cling" to it, I need the thing and use it on average three times per day...
Dangit. Somebody came and added seriousness to my hilarity! Why you gotta do that?

Every time I look at the "stabless" knife I think of myriad ways I could use it to stab somebody, in self-defense of course. It's pretty useless, and funny. Taking away my folding knife? Not so much. I don't just "cling" to it, I need the thing and use it on average three times per day...

I was laughing because someone thinks a knife is only dangerous when used to stab? Someday we will read that the inventor committed suicide by slitting his wrists with the "stabless knife".

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.

The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.

It was invented by industrial designer John Cornock, who was inspired by a documentary in which doctors advocated banning traditional knives.

Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.

More at link...

I agree. This is soooo silly. If they could only see the damage Asshat can do with a plastic spoon!!