Why doesn't everyone?


Address the topic, cunt.
Post something with substance, cunt. But not from your mommy.
You're not done eating my cock, punk. I'll let you know when you're done.
Remove my dick from your mouth and quit mumbling.
You're mumbling again. Go ahead and swallow my cum, then speak up, taintbreath.

I have come to expect nothing from you and you have not failed to meet those expectations. Distorting others' posts is the best you can do, taintlicker.
^Incapable cunt. Taintlicker, is this the best you can do? Change other's posts?
Feckless little ballsack

Another one with no balls.
Write a letter to someone who gives a shit. I'm sure they'll give your concerns all the consideration they deserve.
Here's the bottom line, shitweasel. You and your asswipe candidate are at the end of the line. At the end of your rope. And, desperately, you're grasping st anything you can. But it's too late. You bet on the wrong horse. Tough shit. Take your lumps and let it go.
Mumbling again, eunuch. Not yet done swallowing my load?
You're mumbling, cunt. You promised you would swallow my cum. Is my load still filling your mouth?
Without your balls, you'll need a testosterone supplement for that strength training, eunuch.
You're mumbling. Probably all my cum in your mouth.
Nope, asshole. The pussies close a thread. You are one of those sans testicles. What's that like, eunuch?
I know you're one of the assholes, but are you one of the pussies, too?
You and your Wikileaks have proven nothing, cunt. Nothing more than a well-organized political campaign that takes no prisoners. What the fuck do you think this is? A game of fucking tiddlywinks?
This is a high stakes, the highest stakes, game, punk. If your boy doesn't know how to play the game, tough shit. He has no business in it, then.
Fuck you, asswipe. Your boy is getting his ass kicked and every one of you RW pussies is looking for an excuse. Better look inward, pal. You nominated the motherfucker. Live with it. Any thinking person could see from the getgo that he was nothing more than a clueless, self-aggrandizibg buffoon. And now you're just realizing it? You crapped in your own nest, so sleep in it.
Another bitch from the Whiner Party. You guys get your assess handed to you and everyone else is a cheater. What a bunch of losers.
Here's a life lesson, pal. If you don't know the rules of the game going in, it's no excuse for you to cry foul later. You RW hacks have become such pussified crybabies, one can predict what you're going to post in EVERY thread about this election. Pathetic.
Hey, cunt. Is that the best mantra you can come up with?
Illiterate pussy motherfucker can't discuss issues.

I tried to dumb it down for, redo the timeline and even give an analogy. I can't use crayons for you, asswipe.
Have your mommy explain it to you, little girl.
Are all Bible thumpers cunts like you?

It's getting wearisome dealing with so many dullards on this forum. I already addressed THIS article, cunt. Review if you can. Better yet, have someone read it back to you.
Breitbart is a chronic lying piece of shit rag.
I already made myself clear on THIS topic, taintlicker. I don't give a flying fuck what DePaul's policies are. Nor BYU, nor almost any other private school. Why you RW busybodies care is beyond me. Just an excuse to bitch about something that doesn't concern you.
Lie? lol
Calling dimwits out on their reliance on a POS source like Breitbart is seeking truth and accuracy.
I don't tell lies, fuckwad. I expose them amongst you RW tards.
Boohoo, whining, crying motherfuckers.
How timely! I just responded to Stretch about clueless RW morons and the next post I see is from one of their queens!
Fuck you in the ass, douchebag. Everything I post in this thread, and every other one for that matter, is the truth.

No, dumbfuck. You have yet to get ANYTHING correct about the case. Why? Because you're a typical willfully ignorant RW ignoramus that can't see the truth at close range.
Educate yourself, simpleton, if you can, on the Shelton case and the American criminal justice system. You're clueless on both.
Maybe you're a delusional cockbite with no respect for the truth.
Poor fucking Trumptards with no self control. They could incite violence with a simple t-shirt. Where is your outrage at the lack of personal responsibility?
You're a fucking idiot. Do you even have a life?
You stumped yourself, you fucking simpleton, and don't even realize it. Pathetic.
No need. I'll stick to normal font for a dickhead like you. You're not worth the extra effort.
Historians say you're a fucking idiot. I concur.

Sure you do. You can't even comprehend those independent studies. You're one of those dumbfucks that were trying to claim Mexicans were a separate race. 'Nuff said, moron.
Piss on somebody else's leg and tell them it's raining.
Yep, do the same thing your dumbfuck hero is doing. Fuck your own party.
Go for it, asshole.
It is a blood sport. So why are all you right wing pussies bitching about some of the Dem operators stirring a little shit at the rallies?
She beat Bernie by the rules in place for the last 30 years, dumbshit. And garnered 3 million more popular votes.
Why are you RW morons so slow to catch on?
Fuck you and your religious freedom claim. You're one of pricks that would cloak his bigotry in his religion to violate the civil rights of others. Eat shit.
Keep your stupid little popgun if you think it makes you feel safer. Hint, dumbshit. It doesn't. You are more likely to be injured by a gun in your home than be protected by it.
You're confusing the name of a party, and it's the Democratic Party moron, with a political philosophy. Democratic of yesteryear, the bigots, were conservatives. Just like today's Republicans.
Take a number, asshole.
Let's try to educate you dumbfuck. If that's possible.
She had about 3 million more popular votes than Sanders.
The superdelegate system was in place in the 80s, long before either Clinton or Sanders came on the scene for President. It's the way the Democrats decided at that time, to choose their nominee. If Sanders and his campaign didn't know that going in, they were morons. Not on your level, of course. But morons, nonetheless.
Here's the way it worked with Florida, douchebag. The winner would be President. No other state mattered. The vote count difference was a few hundred, mandating a recount. There were also major fuckups in Florida with black districts having excessive problems.
But it ain't gonna come down to one state and a few hundred votes.
Fuck Trump. So what if he doesn't concede? The states will still certify a winner and Trump will be outside looking in, concession or not.
Fat Zippy doesn't care if liberals or himself does it. He only whines when people he doesn't like do it.

More do as I say, not as I do.
Stop the childish habit of preemptively banning everyone who might call you on your bullshit? I see it from both the lefties and the righties on this forum.

That practice is for pussies. If you want to dish it, be prepared to take it. Otherwise, STFU.
Yes you are right, it is probably better to just put you on the ignore list.

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