Why Doesn't the Government Support Our Disabled Veteran Heroes


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Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that highlighted out-of-control spending such as $3 million for "bee-friendly highways," $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to ('Reimburse'?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!)." WE, (America/Congress/President) also sent $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $66 billion already provided. Also spent was $11 million on LGBT-themed projects. There's also the prohibiting of the $339 million for ICE from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities."

Is there any of this wasteful spending going to help out our disabled veteran heroes? ANSWER:....NO!!!!!

Thank GOD for the successful leadership of Frank Siller (Tunnels to Towers) and Mike Linnington (Wounded Warriors), many of our disabled soldiers, sailors, airmen, and their families would be saddled with unimaginable additional challenges and financial stress throughout the remainder of their lives.

So, the question is "WHY?" After our Congress and president just spent $1.7 trillion, why do these organizations have to exist at all?

Support these organizations, through monetary donations, is coming from those who are already over-taxed (See the $1.7 trillion tax bill!). Where is the support from our congress? Where is the support from our president?

Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that highlighted out-of-control spending such as $3 million for "bee-friendly highways," $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to ('Reimburse'?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!)." WE, (America/Congress/President) also sent $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $66 billion already provided. Also spent was $11 million on LGBT-themed projects. There's also the prohibiting of the $339 million for ICE from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities."

Is there any of this wasteful spending going to help out our disabled veteran heroes? ANSWER:....NO!!!!!

Thank GOD for the successful leadership of Frank Siller (Tunnels to Towers) and Mike Linnington (Wounded Warriors), many of our disabled soldiers, sailors, airmen, and their families would be saddled with unimaginable additional challenges and financial stress throughout the remainder of their lives.

So, the question is "WHY?" After our Congress and president just spent $1.7 trillion, why do these organizations have to exist at all?

Support these organizations, through monetary donations, is coming from those who are already over-taxed (See the $1.7 trillion tax bill!). Where is the support from our congress? Where is the support from our president?


Which president are you referring to/

Which president are you referring to/

The president from the enclosed link I have provided. Methinks no other president in our history as done as much for our veterans as has Trump. The potus that has done zero for our veterans is the ne (Biden) who just signed the 1.7 trillion omnibus bill that had zero financial help for our veterans or for our disabled veterans.

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1. CONGRESS, not the president, controls the purse strings............
2. Lack of support for veterans and their organizations goes all the way back to Vietnam. Even Reagan and his republicans failed to do all they could for vets.
3. Government is not constitutionally authorized to be in the business of charity. THAT is why those charities and orgs exist. they are much better equipped and motivated to support our vets
1. CONGRESS, not the president, controls the purse strings............
2. Lack of support for veterans and their organizations goes all the way back to Vietnam. Even Reagan and his republicans failed to do all they could for vets.
3. Government is not constitutionally authorized to be in the business of charity. THAT is why those charities and orgs exist. they are much better equipped and motivated to support our vets

While I do agree with you that our government is not constitutionally bound to support our veterans, it--the government does make the point that the govt does need to protect America from enemies both foreign and domestic. Now, if that doesn't mean that these ridiculous trillion dollar omnibus bills that I clearly outlined in the OP that have nothing to do with our military or with our protection as a nation isn't better spent on helping the very veterans that have helped fight for our nation and that help secure our Republic--then I don't know what would.

Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warrior charities for these veterans are being paid for by already over taxed driven pro Americans who were taxed in the first place on that stupid and ridiculous $1.7 trillion omnibus bill. There probably isn't one congressman and congresswoman who had read that multi thousand page bill in the first place. Reminds us of Pelosi's famous remark concerning one such massive bill, and I paraphrase..."We got to pass the bill to see what's in it." Democrat madness at its extreme height.
Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that highlighted out-of-control spending such as $3 million for "bee-friendly highways," $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to ('Reimburse'?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!)." WE, (America/Congress/President) also sent $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $66 billion already provided. Also spent was $11 million on LGBT-themed projects. There's also the prohibiting of the $339 million for ICE from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities."

Is there any of this wasteful spending going to help out our disabled veteran heroes? ANSWER:....NO!!!!!

Thank GOD for the successful leadership of Frank Siller (Tunnels to Towers) and Mike Linnington (Wounded Warriors), many of our disabled soldiers, sailors, airmen, and their families would be saddled with unimaginable additional challenges and financial stress throughout the remainder of their lives.

So, the question is "WHY?" After our Congress and president just spent $1.7 trillion, why do these organizations have to exist at all?

Support these organizations, through monetary donations, is coming from those who are already over-taxed (See the $1.7 trillion tax bill!). Where is the support from our congress? Where is the support from our president?


Because they're too fucking busy lining their own pockets and making sure you call a delusional person with a penis a woman because they think they're a woman. They also need to make sure drag queens can fuck up little kids minds before they take care of disabled veterans.
Exactly how much support do they deserve?

Don't worry about it! Just keep voting straight GOP tickets and you won't be bothered to care one whit about the people who die for us. Remember, YOUR GUY TRUMP called them "losers" and mocked their sacrifice.

So, don't stress your pretty little head. Your wallet will be safe from "helping others" who help you. :)
Don't worry about it! Just keep voting straight GOP tickets and you won't be bothered to care one whit about the people who die for us. Remember, YOUR GUY TRUMP called them "losers" and mocked their sacrifice.

So, don't stress your pretty little head. Your wallet will be safe from "helping others" who help you. :)

I was one of those "people" for 27 years. So, don't go preaching to me about what veterans deserve or don't deserve.
I was one of those "people" for 27 years. So, don't go preaching to me about what veterans deserve or don't deserve.

So why did you ask the question? And more importantly, after serving, why would you be a Trump voter? I'm genuinely curious why you would support a Commander in Chief who appears to despise the men and women in uniform.
Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that highlighted out-of-control spending such as $3 million for "bee-friendly highways," $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to ('Reimburse'?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!)." WE, (America/Congress/President) also sent $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $66 billion already provided. Also spent was $11 million on LGBT-themed projects. There's also the prohibiting of the $339 million for ICE from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities."

Is there any of this wasteful spending going to help out our disabled veteran heroes? ANSWER:....NO!!!!!

Thank GOD for the successful leadership of Frank Siller (Tunnels to Towers) and Mike Linnington (Wounded Warriors), many of our disabled soldiers, sailors, airmen, and their families would be saddled with unimaginable additional challenges and financial stress throughout the remainder of their lives.

So, the question is "WHY?" After our Congress and president just spent $1.7 trillion, why do these organizations have to exist at all?

Support these organizations, through monetary donations, is coming from those who are already over-taxed (See the $1.7 trillion tax bill!). Where is the support from our congress? Where is the support from our president?

The new spending bill provides $303.8 billion for 2023 for veterans. This is a record amount and 10% higher than 2022 levels.

The private charities exist to provide additional help and because conservatives favor private effort over government assistance.

Also, it provides millions for the leaders of these charities.

Our military is voluntary and persons that sign up do so on a contract knowing what they are signing up for.

while this is completely true, the government shouldn't be doing everything they can to deny coverage for things they say aren't related to military service, or providing only partial coverage for things that are.
Don't worry about it! Just keep voting straight GOP tickets and you won't be bothered to care one whit about the people who die for us. Remember, YOUR GUY TRUMP called them "losers" and mocked their sacrifice.

So, don't stress your pretty little head. Your wallet will be safe from "helping others" who help you. :)

remember, YOUR people say our military members were just not smart enough to go to college and live real lives...........
Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that highlighted out-of-control spending such as $3 million for "bee-friendly highways," $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to ('Reimburse'?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!)." WE, (America/Congress/President) also sent $45 billion to Ukraine on top of the $66 billion already provided. Also spent was $11 million on LGBT-themed projects. There's also the prohibiting of the $339 million for ICE from being used to "acquire, maintain, or extend border security technology and capabilities."

Is there any of this wasteful spending going to help out our disabled veteran heroes? ANSWER:....NO!!!!!

Thank GOD for the successful leadership of Frank Siller (Tunnels to Towers) and Mike Linnington (Wounded Warriors), many of our disabled soldiers, sailors, airmen, and their families would be saddled with unimaginable additional challenges and financial stress throughout the remainder of their lives.

So, the question is "WHY?" After our Congress and president just spent $1.7 trillion, why do these organizations have to exist at all?

Support these organizations, through monetary donations, is coming from those who are already over-taxed (See the $1.7 trillion tax bill!). Where is the support from our congress? Where is the support from our president?


Wasn't it Trump that referred to our fallen veterans as sucker and losers????? And also look at what he said about John McCain.

So calling Trump the pro-veteran president is rather absurd.