Saint Guinefort
Verified User
LV426 is extremely fond of saying such things..........
I don't know who that is. Did they run for and become president of the United States?
LV426 is extremely fond of saying such things..........
I don't know who that is. Did they run for and become president of the United States?
So why did you ask the question? And more importantly, after serving, why would you be a Trump voter? I'm genuinely curious why you would support a Commander in Chief who appears to despise the men and women in uniform.
moving the goal posts..............not surprised
while this is completely true, the government shouldn't be doing everything they can to deny coverage for things they say aren't related to military service, or providing only partial coverage for things that are.
Because, by act and deed, the Democrats hate the military...
I don't have to like the guy to vote against the Left. If the Devil were running against a Leftist, I'd vote for the Devil. It'd be a better choice.
Because, by act and deed, the Democrats hate the military...
Why would I vote for the fucking radical Left for anything? The sort of politicians you support HATE America as it is. They HATE individual freedom, and love authoritarian, totalitarian government. They would use the military against the American population in a nanosecond if they thought it would keep them in power and let them get their way. Trump was a speed bump to that. I don't have to like the guy to vote against the Left. If the Devil were running against a Leftist, I'd vote for the Devil. It'd be a better choice.
Nope. I didn't move any goal posts. Not one centimeter.
The Vets that I know are very happy with the care they get at the VA. The ones I know who have a co\hoice between Medicare and VA use the VA.
you, in fact, did move the goalpost. you first asked about 'who HERE' has said that, then you moved to anyone nominated and running for president.
I don't recall hearing that. Care to tell me who said it?
The problem now is that veteran's disabilities have become a cottage industry of how to get a pile of cash from the government for bullshit. That has resulted in the VA making it increasingly hard to establish and prove your case for disability in many cases. Blame that on the scammers.
Because they're too fucking busy lining their own pockets and making sure you call a delusional person with a penis a woman because they think they're a woman. They also need to make sure drag queens can fuck up little kids minds before they take care of disabled veterans.
Blame a for-profit medical system that never has enough profits.
That's not true. There is one sector of the US medical system that has seen prices rise slower than inflation. It is the only sector that is not heavily reliant on health insurance. That sector is cosmetic and elective surgery. It is for profit and quite profitable, yet it doesn't rely on health insurance and government for payment.
The reason cosmetic and elective surgery is profitable is that it only works on patients who have money. They do not have the 37 million Americans who need healthcare and cannot afford it lowering their profits.
When Americans go abroad for an extended time, 2 things they do not miss. Guns and our healthcare system.
Why do private charities like Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?
Tunnels to Towers
Wounded Warriors